Feyi wasn’t preparing for work with as much zest as she used to. Her job wasn’t exactly the most exciting but she liked it; sitting at a desk in front of a large screen PC; answering calls, reading messages, creating forms, writing and editing letters, proposals, write-ups and more. It was a whole lot of paper work and she would sit through it all only taking short breaks to step out back for a smoke. When she initially started, she took a stick in the morning before heading to work and would wait till she got home before lighting another (several others) but now, a year in; she had familiarized herself with the other workers who share her habit and her boss didn’t seem to mind their habit, though she never saw him smoke.
She used to keep a puff date with Malik; one of the technicians from the bank that sat a floor above her office. They had met one evening when she was trying to sneak a smoke; he too was a victim of not wanting to be judged. He served as moral support so they had hit it off from there. Sadly, their smokmance went south fast when they decided to hit it and she had found his brand of sex unsatisfying. She thought to played along or shown him some tricks but his insecurities ruined that. Eventually, they ended up avoiding each other.
Malik, however, was not the reason she was pensive about work today. When she stepped out of her apartment, the sky was its radiant light blue with white patches of cloud. She loved the ambiance and most times this shade of the sky told her everything was going to be alright but she couldn’t afford to trust the sky today. She had fucked up.She had really fucked. You see, aside from her smoking habit which she had tried to stop with gums, coffee and the imaginative smoking therapy but failed countless times… she had one other addiction; sex!
She had been lured by her maths teacher in secondary school, whom she had a massive crush on, at fourteen. He was a light complexioned fashionable young guy. Almost all the girls in the secondary section had a crush on him, but from that bunch he had chosen her. It might have had something to do with her full breast, slim waist and rotund behind.Most girls had envied her eight-like figure and the boys were transfixed. She had a monster ego and the only thing that stopped her from bragging about her affair with Mr Caleb was that he had warned her against it.“The day anyone hears about this would be the day it ends” he had said. Of course she hadn’t wanted it to stop so she had kept the gist to herself; the fun they shared was worth more to her than making the other girls jealous.
After Mr Caleb left, she had been distraught but somehow found a few other substitutes before she finally met Tope. Tope was there for two years, then another spree of randoms till Bassey. Bassey had been her everything, the guy loved sex more than she did so they had fit perfectly but sadly unlike her, he didn’t restrict his escapades to just his lover; he was a cheerful giver. She had been off Bassey for two years now and was back to her randoms. Yeah, it was fun picking out guys but she always longed for that one beast that fit her perfectly and she could be with long term.
She got to the office at exactly 8:00am arriving before everyone else as usual. Quickly, she started to tidy up the office and her desk, clearing thing she had not taken care of last week. As she worked, her mind slipped from her present dilemma and she soon got into the vibes of work as usual. The door-bell chimed and brought with it all her fear. She opened the door; it was two of her colleges. She smiled and exchanged pleasantries, all through wondering what these people would think of her when her ‘Ashiri’ became open. Her panic increased as more of her colleges entered. She couldn’t hold down the smiles anymore so she stepped out to the back for a smoke.
“Feyi, Oga ask of you o. E don come. Where you go? E say make you see am immediately when you enter.” Gasper, one of her colleges told her as she stepped back in. Her heart skipped a beat. “Ehen and type this out, print and submit before you enter.” He dumped what looked like a bulk of proposal papers in front of her.Apparently she was supposed to summarize it and make sense of it. Gasper was one of those graduates you wondered how they graduated let alone how they got a job. She had to confirm if she was to go in immediately or wait till the document was ready before going in. This is just torture, she thought as she set out to work. It would have been better to just go in and get her verdict immediately than to sit here with paper work while thinking of what the verdict could be. It must have been done on purpose to rally her up but in some way it also meant that she was less likely to be fired if he still gave her a job to do.
As she typed, she thought of how she had so stupidly fucked up. Her boss was having a house opening and had invited his staff from the office. It had been an interesting crowd and she had a bit to drink so at some point she had to use the restroom. As she stepped out, she saw a guy leave the male toilet and interestingly he paused to do a slight squat while pulling the middle of his pants down to get some room. That one single action had hit a pan in her brain. Fortunately or unfortunately for her, it really depends on how you choose to see it, the guy caught her staring and her expression did nothing to hide her thoughts. He smiled at her and she immediately walked back into the foyer but an impression had already been made.
She’d turn sometimes to find him nearby and starring. Every time her eyes fell on him, he had a coy grin on his face. One time she looked, he slowly grabbed his package as if by reflex and then gave a short air kiss and wink in her direction. She looked away shyly but he had done the damage already. She was raving for dick. The next she looked, he wasn’t there anymore and instinctively her eyes searched round the room then she felt someone hold her elbow from behind and whisper in her ears “looking for me?” she sucked in air and tried to breathe out. “Stop fighting it so hard, it’s sad to watch.” She smiled at him and shook her head. He looked down at her ass hungrily “your butt thinks different babe.It’s itching for my palm; feed it. I’ll be outside, follow me.” And with that he headed for the door.
Feyi’s moral compass told her to stay but her subconscious constantly reminded her that a well hung guy outside waswaiting to fuck her senseless. Eventually her subconscious won and she found him at the front porch leaning on the rail. He smiled when he saw her and straightening up, he walked towards the back. She followed him, hating herself with every step she took. They found a shed out back that looked like it had been initially meant to house a generator. From the way he motioned for her, she could tell he had scouted it out earlier. She walked into the shed nervously but his hands exploring her middle calmed her some. He dropped light kisses on her neck and shoulder and she warmed up to him again. He removed his suit jacket and spread it evenly on the table they found within the shed. Unexpectedly, he forced her head down to meet the table. She thought it was rude so it aroused her. His hand skimmed her laps at the point where her red gown stopped and slowly he rubbed his way up, lifting the gown as he went.
He unveiled her rounded buttocks like a boy eager to see his new gift and exclaimed “Fuck me!” She smiled to herself, her ass had that effect. It was plum stiff and rounded from the top to the side. He brushed his palm over every single part of it, exploring the curves and murmuring to himself about his luck. She was getting wetter from all the adoration he was giving her ass. A moan escapes her when she feels his stiff over her butt; warm and sending its own vibe. She held her breath as his sheathed dick slid into her with some effort; every restraint taking her a notch higher. When he was finally inside her, she breathed a moan of relief, she hadn’t realised how badly she wanted a dick in her until it was in her.
It had been months since she experienced anything close, allowing work fill her time and mind. Suddenly, huge dick started to go fast and was driving energetically into her. Even though she liked the ride, she didn’t want to get sore and so she raised herself from the table to warn him gently to slow down. Before she could say anything, a vision caught her eye; standing outside and watching her through the only window of the shed, was her boss. His face was expressionless regardless of how keenly he watched. The only thing that hindered her from ending the fuck was that she was in shock. He must of have stood there for about ten seconds, watching her mouth open in what could either be shock or pleasure but her widened eyes spoke more of shock and just when she thought her misery would never end, he was gone.
Sir big dick was having an orgasm now, totally oblivious to the fact that he was being watched some seconds ago. She had gone numb but was able to fake a smile and nod when he asked if she was fine. He helped adjust her dress and kissed her neck as he asked if she wanted more. She shook her head smiling. Then he asked if she had come and she lied. They rushed back to the party and she grabbed her purse and was gone before anyone noticed.
She finished the proposal editing and headed for the boss’ office. She rapped at the glass frame that was his door before opening it. he was alone and motioned for her to come in. he was a really tall man with fair skin; not shiny fair but the mild fir that made him look somewhat exotic. He was an interesting man with wry smile. His smile, when it came was full and sudden, almost scary. She had always wondered if he had psychopathic tendencies because his smile, though huge never seemed to reach his eyes. It wrinkled the side of his eyes and the bag underneath but there was always this crazy feeling that he had had to master that smile just to make people comfortable with him.
She sat across him nervously waiting as he was busy reading a document. She could feel her skin break a sweat in this air conditioned haven. Her inside was rumbling and her heart rate was faster from fear but she fought to make her outside appearance look nothing like she was feeling. Eventually he asked for the file she had prepared and they went through it together; her voice was shaky at first but she got it under control. At some point she was stretching a lot from across his table to point out some details so he asked her to come around to his side. She did as he asked only to suck in a breath sharply as she got to his side. She caught his eyes for a second before he looked back at the papers asking her questions. She tried to focus on the task ahead and ignore the rigid phallus standing out from his opened fly. The girth of it was adorned by little veins and a round smooth cap for topping. She wasn’t looking at it but the image was stamped in her mind’s eye. He continued to act normal, following her explanations. She felt insulted but aroused and her shame from the feeling got her even more aroused. Her hand mistakenly brushed his while she pointed out something and she sucked in breath again in arousal. This time he smiled faintly and his smile caused another ripple reaction inside her. She spoke on regardless.
“You want to suck it don’t you?” of course she was itching to but what if this was a test. He probably wanted to know if she was just addicted. She wasn’t but the truth was she wanted to suck him, had fantasised about it before but she had not wanted to be one of those girls that fucked their boss. She had always thought that if she got a better job much later, she would entertain the idea of having a thing with him but here now as his employee, she didn’t want that.
“I am so sorry sir. I didn’t mean to. I know it was rude to…at your house…it won’t happen again.” He stared stoically through her babbles and she waited.
“Get on your knees and suck it!” it was a mild command, the type that was difficult to disobey but she felt the need to try another approach at the risk of losing her job.
“Sir with all du respect I will not be degraded or humiliated for my social behaviour or preferences outside work.” He smiled and grabbed his cock, wiggling it.
“I won’t ask again.” His calmness sent waves her wave and in seconds she was on her knees, her face close to his girth staring in admiration. She slid her palm over his cap and moaned over its smoothness. He was watching her intensely and she immediately felt the need to impress. With her thumb and index finger she formed a ring that she slid down from his cap down his shaft, making sure to twist firmly round it when she made it back up his cap. She didn’t get any verbal approval but felt rewarded when she saw his first gooey transparent pre-cum pop out of his cap hole.
The jelly like cum was slick to the touch as she rubbed it all over his cap. Her need to taste it overwhelmed her she lapped a part with her tongue and then another before wrapping her lips around it. She liked the taste. She could get used to this, she thought as allowed lubrication slur from her mouth exploring lower down the shaft. Hepulled her away from his dick with her hair in his hand. She smiled as she looked up at him and she thought she saw his stiff expression soften. “Undo your shirt” he commanded and as she did this he grabbed on his stiff and kept stroking. She let her boobs bounce out of her shirt and he motioned for her to get closer. He brushed over her nipples with his dick. He held up one boob from under and carefully played with the nipple, only touching it with his dick. She was surprised at how good it felt and gasped when he slapped the nipple with his dick.
Before she could say a word, he had her mouth back slurping up and down him. She felt him grow against her tongue, could feel the hardening of his veins on her lips. Awaiting the gush, she tightened her lips as she sucked. It was only a matter of seconds now but he yanked her head off with his left and came into a pile of tissues in his right hand as he stared into her disappointed eyes. It seemed like he was getting off from her longing. He let go of her hair and told her to dress up as he wiped himself better. She was done dressing when he handed her a water bottle and told her to get back to work. She stood there shocked and disappointed and horny as fuck. “Get back to work Feyi” he said nonchalantly and it woke her up from her void. Slowly she walked towards the door and as she reached for it he spoke. “Next time wear something I can fuck you in.” She looked down at her pants and nodded, still disappointed but a bit elated with hope. The skies hadn’t lied after all.
The next day she wore a black gown and drowned herself in perfume. She waited impatiently all day but her boss didn’t come in, neither did he the next day or the next. By the next Monday she had not seen him but still had hopes, she chose to wear a floral button up shirt and a brown cotton fitted skirt that stopped just above her knee. The doorbell chimed at twelve noon and she opened the door to his tall frame. His eyes fell on her and she had to stifle a moan. His eyes warned her and she noticed he wasn’t alone and she courteously greeted the guest but her eyes remained on him even though he was now ignoring her. She led his guests to his office and was sure she caught him watching her ass as she walked out.
At her desk, she realized she was soaked, the sight of him alone had done this to her, she wondered what him inside her would do. His meeting was rather long. She arranged and re-arranged her memorandum of the week before in the order she hoped to present it to him. Finally his guests left and she waited for him to call for her. This wait was even longer than the former and her cunt throbbed with every passing second. She jumped unexpectedly the moment her phone rang and the sudden motion caused some pressure to build under her. When she answered the phone, she spoke monosyllabically, so as not to betray herself. “Feyiwetindey do you this afternoon wey your body dey bite you”
“You no go mind your business” she replied as she headed for the office. Setting the paper on the table, she stood across him, waiting for him to ask her to sit. Instead he walked to the door and locked it behind him. Coming back, he did the last thing she was expecting. Grabbing her face, he kissed her deep and rough. She found herself swirling and realized he had spun her around and forced her head on the table.
“I figured this is how you like it.” she didn’t say a word. She wanted to defend herself but the need to have him was stronger. He smacked her as and rubbed his crouch against her ass. He raised her skirt up, his other hand still pinning her to the table. Smack! Smack! She felt her pussy pool from the vibration of her butt. She felt his prick cap on the opening of her lady ad she sighed. He rubbed on the outside for two long. She tried to move, he held her down “I could make you beg for it” the feeling she felt now was anger but before she could vent, she felt his meat ram into her deep down.
“Fuck Fuck Fuck!”
“I know right. I have been waiting to feel this for days. You like it?” before she could answer, he pulled out and drove in again
“Ahhh” he pulled out again and slammed in. he got a louder exclamation.
“we are not too far from the main office dear.” He withdrew and slammed back in. Now he held her butt in a cross, his right hand on her left ass and vice versa and holding them tight together. He went on faster and deeper into her. She was shaking from not being able o express what she was feeling with sounds. The compulsory silence intensified the feeling. She was shaking so hard that the only way he knew she was having an orgasm was when her pussy started to clasp him. He pulled out and she turned around to face him, still shivering. He told her to unbutton her shirt. He smacked her boobs some, enjoying her shiver and freshness. He pushed her back on his table, grabbed one of her boobs and lifted her left leg up in the air.
As he entered her again, but this time slowly, she shook her head. “Calm down Feyi!” it wasn’t helping any. She still shook from his invasion “Look at me.” His eyes didn’t intimidate her this time, it calmed her. Her mouth opened as he began to stroke. “Was he any better than this?” she shook her head. “Did he give you orgasms?” she shook her head again “Did you orgasm at all” she shook her head. “Was I the reason?” she nodded this time. “Good. That orgasm I stopped, I want you to have it now.” he started to fuck her a little faster with longer strokes and she felt her pussy pressure built. Reflex made her reach for him as she felt herself near.
“I’m sorry” she whispered after he realized she had grabbed him.
“It’s fine” he said with a smile as he fucked on. His smile intensified her builds and fell apart under his arms, his finger twitching her nipples. All the moan she had held back in came to fore but she was able to catch herself before it got too loud. He followed her orgasm closely, she dressed up slowly, still shivering from the aftershock. He brought out some wine and offered her some. She felt better after a gulp and returned it. As she about to step out, he stopped her. “This will not affect your job and if I notice it does, I will stop this and tell me the moment it gets uncomfortable. Those are my only rules…and yeah you can’t fuck anyone else.” She smiled at his rules and agreed. He reminded her of Mr Caleb who had been her first. She walked out excited, knowing she now didn’t have to do randoms.
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