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RE: More Thoughts on Women, Oppression and Porn

in #sex9 years ago (edited)

One comment you made that I would like to point out because I strongly disagree with it , is the following one regarding the importance of outliers, "So rarely that studying these outliers is of little use in predicting the conduct of humans as a whole."
Quite simply from my point of view the outliers are often the most powerful forces of change. In fact without them, it may well just be that change is impossible.
By studying the main "core" group you see how people are currently acting, by studying the outliers it is very likely you are looking at the very messengers of the future.
Elon Musk, Einstein, Harriet Tubman, MLK, Da Vinci , Mozart, Newton, Gandi and on and on.
All outliers by definition and all bearers of the new code of human potential. In fact this very site is an outlier right now. Cryptocurrency itself is still an outlier (although much less than a few years ago)
The problem is it really hard to study ouliers due to the variation, it is easy to study big crowds of like things.
I happen to know personally a lot of free thinking, outlier types, it is amazing how much influence they have.
Best and looking forward to more deep articles such as this one.@sean-king I am finding these conversation incredibly worthwhile. This is a subject of great interest in my world.


Thank you for the constructive feedback. I should clarity that I was using the word "outlier" in a very limited context specifically referring to those people who, through sheer exercise of will power, overcome their innate biological urges for extended periods of time. I very much agree with your comments above, which used the word "outlier" in a slightly different context than I originally intended. Well said!