My God Loves Us To Fuck

in #sex7 years ago

christ kissing satan.jpg

My God gave us genitals. My God gave us not just orgasms, but bodies that are able to receive and give an infinite variety of pleasures. My God gave us all the ability to share our love around, even physically. My God gave us shades of gender. My God gave us lust, desire, warmth, the ability to give, the need to serve. My God gave us a tapestry of sex, sexuality, sensuality, affection, pleasure and love. My God said "these are my gifts to you, enjoy!"

Which do you prefer, my God, or the God that a bunch of fucked up old blokes wrote about in a mostly fictional book called the Bible?

Their God seems to care more about who you fuck and how you fuck than he does about all the unspeakable acts of violence that are going on in the world today. His ministers and priests like to tell you how much he hates wanking, but when it comes to the illegal invasion of another country, with the accompanying murder of hundreds of thousands of men, women and children, they are pretty much silent.

What sort of God hates masturbation, but doesn't much mind war?

Their God seems to have specifically designed our genitals as a testing ground for us. He gave us the desire, but tells us not to act out that desire. He tells us if we do, it is a sin... and we all know where he sends sinners, the fucking sadist!

Their God tells us he loves us, but at the same time, he seems happy enough to chuck us into the burning pits of hell if we succumb to desire... a desire that he created... this supposed all-powerful, all-loving creator of all.

Their God really is pretty fucking dumb, considering he is all-loving and all-powerful. He creates a couple, sticks them in a garden, tells them they can't eat the fruit of one specific tree, then happens to leave a talking snake in the garden... and as he is supposedly "all knowing", knows fine well that the talking snake is going to tempt them. I mean, it was him that created the talking snake FFS. He basically entrapped Adam and Eve, the vile cunt that he is.

I hate their God... and I have nothing but contempt and pity for the poor fools that still believe in him. What an odious, megalomaniacal, sexually-repressed tyrant their fucking God is. The sooner he dies, the better.

I hope your God is more like my God... for your sake.