Sex and other vices will always run rampant on this planet because of supply not so much because of demand. In short, it's like offering a piece of chocolate to a teen that's never had any...they'll either puke or want more. In the case of sex, chances are they'll want more but my point is that humans wouldn't normally introduce artificial sex dolls for themselves but would to hook someone in the name of profit. You know, kind of like what a drug manufacturer/dealer is to the addict or "soon to be" addict. I don't agree with "The only difference is that we have an overblown processing machine called the brain that adds extra steps to the whole thing." Well, animals have brains, too and the whole "courtship" step may only exist because of societal norms. Remember that in many parts of the world, courtship practices differ and still vary from the puritanical to what some would consider rape. All humans have free will and the ability to make choices based on their own belief systems, needs, wants, and perceptions and with this stated, many humans are weak. Society itself has made the human weak by hoodwinking him/her for centuries. I love sex but sex dolls and "who knows what else is coming down the pike" just serves no one but the kingpins. Just my 2 cents.