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RE: So Many People Have Sexual Energy Incorrect, It Is Not Just For Sex..

in #sex8 years ago

Hey @awakealiveaware, I just want to give you props for being so brave! Sexual energy is an important, natural part of life and yet we are told to suppress it and definitely not talk about it. I feel like our education lacks in this area because of the embarrassment you mention. That is not the type of open conversation we need in order to figure out how to let this flow through other channels. I love that you've given examples of how you let your energy flow and that you're no longer ashamed of it! :) I'll be following for more posts!


Our education definitely lacks in terms of sharing this information with us! This is something I want to bring to the surface more for people to see that it is such a sacred energy that shouldn't feel embarrassing when it comes up. Thanks so much for reading!

I am completely with you on that! I love what you're doing, I'll definitely be following :)


Agreed, more education should be given. Well said Heart!