Real Sex Offenders.

in #sex7 years ago

The sort of thing only those crazy libertarians give a shit about:

Josh became a sex offender at age 12. That's when he touched his sister's vagina, twice... [A] counsellor said Josh's mother was required to report his crime to the authorities and the next day, he was arrested...

Today he is 27, married with children... We met up... and then we went off to the registry, because his family had just moved to a new house and he had to let the state know no more than seven days after the move.

Just as the detective in the nondescript office finished typing this information into the system and Josh and I were about to go to lunch, a man with a beard and a badge strode up and said, "Joshua Gravens?"


“You are under arrest for not alerting the authorities to your new address.” He whipped out handcuffs. “Put your hands behind your back.”

“I think you're mistaken,” said Josh, as pleasantly as if discussing the weather.

“I was told to arrest you,” was the reply, and that was that. Josh handed me his car keys and followed the man out to his van along with a handcuffed woman who was crying. She was going to jail for having listed her address as a hotel when she actually lives in her car in front of the hotel.

What politicians want is to signal that they are tough on crime - other factors be damned. If it ruins someone else's life, they apparently don't care, or else they regard it as an acceptable cost.


Rule by force is the disease, who and how are symptoms.

This is an easy way to get the morons onboard with the use of force.

Well, a good analogy of this topic in your article would be how the authorities are so tough about arresting people for insurance fraud no matter how sparse the evidence is that someone actually committed that same crime. However, what you'll notice is that the authorities always seem to go after average everyday civilians for suspicion of that criminal offense, but they never seem to go after the insurance companies themselves; and the higher-ups in the insurance companies are the biggest violators of the insurance fraud laws throughout the United States of America, but they never seem to get arrested. It's a hypocrisy in our criminal justice system, and it needs to stop. Well, the same applies to our sex laws. The Clintons have done horrific things for a long time, but they never seem to get indicted; whereas, you have people like Kevin Gillson who are wrongfully still on the sex-offender registry after all these years for some Mickey Mouse infraction that makes them no danger to society.