Male Sexual Mastery - Perfect What They Don`t Teach You In School

in #sex7 years ago (edited)


We are constantly taught in school the anatomy and dangers of sex, but never how to actually have it. Let me show you how to master your sexual organs quickly and discreetly. I am about to teach you how I have mastered my orgasm, being able to last in all sexual encounters for as long as I want. This is a very common problem felt by men everywhere, but the most important thing to remember is that being a great lover is not a born trait, but rather a learned ability.

Despite all the claims that ejaculate control in 100% mental, this is only half the truth. It is actually 50% mental, 50% physical. The best part of this is once you fix the physical aspect, the mental naturally fixes itself.

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Part 1: Exercise



  • This may come as no shock, but your penis is only as healthy as you are. If you want to be a smoker, drinker and drug user, than you will need to be prepared for the consequences. Types of foods you need to be eating everyday are: Spinach, bananas, blueberries, beans (preferably black beans), pistachios, and celery. All of the above are foods that promote health, blood circulation, and overall penis health. *Note that you should be drinking 4L of water everyday, that’s 8 water bottles.


  • Cardio is essential for sexual stamina, if you cannot run for 20 minutes, then do not expect to be able have sex for 20 minutes. I am going to go over two methods of cardio integrate into your program. LDR (Long Distance Running) This is probably the easiest, but most time consuming form of cardio. It does not require much explanation, just get outside or on a treadmill and run! Like I said, try and get your cardio stamina up, make sure your body can withstand at least 20 minutes of sustainable motion. H.I.I.T. (High Intensity Interval Training) This is much more advanced, but only requires 10 minutes of your time! This is my most recommended form of exercise for sexual stamina as it best mimics the act of making love that way we all want to do, slow, fast, slow etc. Start off by lightly jogging for :30 seconds, and then sprinting for :30 seconds. Repeat for 10 minutes. Make sure you are sprinting as fast as you can. I cannot stress how much this improves your sexual stamina.

Weight Training

  • To quote Arnold Schwarzenegger “The best activities for your health are pumping and humping.” Now, I am no doctor, nor do I have any medical experience, but weight training is scientifically proven to lower your blood pressure, thus increasing your blood flow. Better blood flow, means a stronger penis, and a stronger penis means longer lasting erections. I wont get into a full workout plan, you can do that yourself, I recommend using for great plans to follow. What I will give you is exercises that you must be doing in your regimen.
  • Squats
  • Dead-lifts
  • Bench press
    Squats dead lifts & Bench press exercises are proven to be the best method for increasing a males testosterone levels. The more testosterone you have, the higher your libido will be, and ultimately the longer your sexual stamina will be.

Part 2: Body Training



  • Masturbation is your training time, and the same as cardio; if you cannot masturbate for 20 minutes, then you cant last in bed for 20 minutes. The key is conditioning your body for the real thing. Though I do not suggest watching porn, listening to it can help your body prepare for excitement of a screaming woman. With that said, find a porno that is 20 minutes or longer, lay back, close your eyes and masturbate until the video ends without climaxing. You should be trying to get as close to climax as possible every time until you learn how to “ride” your orgasms. By this I mean, staying at a pre-climax state without actually ejaculating. Once you master this, not only will you be able to last as long as you want, sex will be much more enjoyable as you will not have to worry about reaching this state, you can just enjoy it the whole time.


  • Have you ever watched a porno and wondered why the men have a massive muscle stretching along the bottom of their penis shaft? That is their PC muscle that they have strengthened using kegel exercises. Scientifically put, this is the strengthening of the pelvic floor muscles. To find this muscle, proceed to urinate and flex your pelvic muscle so the flow of urine stops. After you have done this, URIKA! You found your PC muscle. Continue to contract this muscle over and over, every single day until you can get a 100 in a row. Once you can achieve this, start to hold it for long periods of time without releasing. (you can easily find great PC muscle workouts Online if you want to explore further). Once you have mastered this exercise you will have a rock hard penis and even be able to hold back your ejaculations while still having an orgasm (yes a multi orgasmic man does exist, I can vouch for it). Food for thought, did you know that a common cause for erectile dysfunction in men is a lack in PC muscle strength? Kegels, kegels, kegels, everyday! (Please note that this is a muscle and can be overdone, let your body tell you when enough is enough.)

Masturbation & Kegels

  • Here is the fun part, if you are like me and find it hard to fit kegels to your schedule, do it while you masturbate! Here you should be using the start stop method. Start to masturbate until you reach the point just before your climax. Once you reach this point flex your PC muscle as hard as you can and hold it until your need to ejaculate goes away. You should be building up to the point where you can hold your PC muscle for the full 20 minutes. Try this 5 days a week, and yes you get to “train” 5 days a week.

Part 3: Suppliments


Pre Sex Concoctions & Supplements

  • There are a lot of supplements out there that make wild claims of increasing erections and sexual stamina. With a girlfriend that use to work at sex shop, she brought home everyone you can think of, and they all proved to be bogus. What they don’t tell you is that most of these ingredients need to build up in your system for 30+ days before showing any effect results, if any. Some things I have experimented with that have actually given me good results is L-Arginine. I take 2,000-4000mg before sex and feel a noticeable difference in my erection. Chances are you don’t actually need this, but if you must, give it a try (please consult a doctor before taking L-Arginine).
    As a pre sex concoction I take before sex just to get the blood flowing includes the following:
  • 4 branches of celery
  • A slice of watermelon
  • A banana
  • Blueberries
  • Water

*Mix these together for a powerful pre sex combination.

Part 4: Techniques


Sexual Techniques

Below is a list of some techniques you can use while having sex to help prolong ejaculation:

  • The Stop Start Method: Some things you can practice in bed are the stop start method. Though this may be a sexual method for you, women actually love this. If you feel the need to climax slow down, or pull out and tease her. Rub your penis on your clitoris until you regain control, tell her things like “how badly do you want this back in” if you want to turn her on even more.
  • The Pull Out Method: If you feel an urgent need to ejaculate, the simplest thing to do is to just pull out and rest for a second until you regain control. This is a easy and very effective method.
  • The Blank Mind Method: The best sex a man can have is not when he is thinking about how long he can last or about how hot the girl is, it is when he is thinking about NOTHING! Though this can be a difficult method to master, it is the most effective. Learn to clear your mind and literally think about nothing, just be in the moment.

Breathing & Groaning

  • Deep breathing helps to relax your body, practice breathing deeply through your nose and out your mouth while having sex. To correctly breath make sure your filling up your stomach with air on each breath and fully exhaling. Deep belly breathing can help regulate your heart beat and ultimately slow down your sexual excitement.
  • Groaning actually releases sexual energy and turns the girl on widely (she gets to know that you are enjoying it too. No one likes a silent one pump chump. You can practice making noises while masturbating to ensure they do not sound weird, but the objective is to release energy upon every thrust.


  • Simply put, condoms decrease sensitivity when worn and can be used to prolong sexual activity. One problem I hear a lot men have is that they cannot stay erect while wearing a condom because they cannot feel anything. If you have learned anything from this e book it is that practice makes perfect. This means that if you are wearing condoms (which I strongly suggest you do) make sure you are wearing them while masturbating. This will ensure that you penis will be use to the feeling during the real thing.

Oh my god. your article is top of the world. Informative, knowledgeable and educational. Thnx for sharing.

Not a problem, thanks for reading!

Amazing info! Thank you!

Many thanks!