From a Slave to a Master; a Memoir, chapter 5 – Lessons I have learned about Sex and Enlightenment

in #sex7 years ago

A wise old woman once told me that God speaks to each and every human being. However, it is we who do not care to listen. I found great truth in these words and throughout the years I have learned that sometimes reality has caused me to cease listening by bombarding me with its diverse distractions and temptations.

Sex can rightly be considered the prominent distraction of them all !


Credit: carl warner

The questions about sex are always wise and yet the same – Is sex good or bad? Is it dirty? Why sometimes it does feel good and yet at other times so bad? Why on certain occasions do we feel shame and guilt when we have sex? When is the right age to begin having sex, and with whom? Should I wait until I am married? What is the right way to have sex? Does sex mean love and vice versa? And if so, how come there are so many people who have sex without love? Are they wrong? Am I wrong?

If religion is in the picture, doubts and confusions rise sevenfold – If I abstain from sex will God love me more? If I have sex will God kill me? will I go to hell? If I become a monk will it make my way to God smoother and faster?, and so on and so forth.

This very enigmatic issue – and mind you, the enigma does not necessarily disappear with age – can be cleared with the following metaphor; imagine you had a jewel. It is a very precious gem, made of diamonds and rubies with purple emerald decoration based on fine gold all over it. This unique and very expensive jewel is yours and yours alone, it was given to you many eons ago by your ancestors to be taken care of and cherished dearly. Now, ask yourself, what would you do with such a gift? Where would you keep it? Would you put it on a shelf in a stationery store in the market for anyone to come, see, touch and scratch? Or would you look for an appropriate safe box inside your home where it cannot be stolen or damaged?

Your body is that gem. It’s as simple as that. And it is you who were chosen to look after it, to take care of it. The things you put into it, the things you do to it and the things you do with it will eventually determine what kind of jewel you will be holding in your hands. The body was designed to allow you to walk the earth, live and experience. The better you take care of it, the longer you will live. The more you treat it with respect and love, the more experiences you will have and eventually you will fulfill your purpose in life better.

The human body has another purpose that not many are aware of and which science yet needs to discover. You see, your life is constantly created by you, and to do that you are using your body and its nervous system. In a very delicate way which I will not get into now, the cells of the body are transforming consciousness energy into electromagnetic energy, sending it out, and in return bringing back to you – through magnetic attraction - the things you desire, wish for and dream of. The human body is that unique in doing so. Whatever you do with your body has tremendous implications on your life.

Including sex

Sex is a part of the human experience that connects the body to the divine. When one has sex with another, both should ask themselves one simple question – is it out of love, respect, compassion, mastery?! Are we making love, that is, creating love, or are we having sex?!


Credit: designspiration

Enlightenment does not allow compromises. If one wants to attract one’s divinity, one must harness all the tools and forces that one is capable of and direct them to that goal; and yes, this includes one’s body. Having sex without love – unloving sex - is like taking your greatest jewel and placing it in the fish market. It is being contaminated and damaged time and time again.

Many people abuse their own bodies and treat them harshly. They do not give a second thought to the possible outcomes and therefore, they do sex out of fear with no love involved. They fear they might get old and their bodies might deteriorate, they fear the society might mock them for being still virgin, they fear life is short and they might miss something, they fear they would not be loved if they didn’t give in to the peer pressure to have sex – there are many reasons that fearful minds find to be convinced to have sex, and those who have tried sex without love know how the heart cries after such occurrences.

There is no judgment here and it is not a black or white issue. It is not a question of good vs. bad. God will always love you, no matter what you choose because this is a world of free choice and every person - every person - will eventually have to learn about his/her own responsibility to their lives. Indeed, no hell or Armageddon days for those who live such lives, but as always there are outcomes.

From the perspective of the path to enlightenment unloving sex has implications:

  1. Unloving sex does not involve productive feelings during the act. Although the body does play a significant role and the mind joins it, the heart and the solar plexus – which is the center of the feelings – are left out. Since the feelings are the connecting rope to your divinity, through which you receive divine guidance, having sex with no love means a disconnection from your spirit. Many people are frustrated that they lack a sixth sense but they do not realize that by their own hands they destroy the threshold to these psychic powers.
  2. Unloving sex creates some wrong beliefs within the person regarding the nature of relationships. The false beliefs, for instance, that “love can be gained by sex” or that “life is short and one must fully exhaust it”, are easily absorbed by a young mind who has been introduced to sex prematurely. Such inappropriate belief systems place the person in a reality that is far away from divinity.
  3. Focusing on unloving sex creates a growing physical need for more satisfaction and hence more sex. Although there is nothing wrong in fulfilling and adhering to the needs of the body, it should be accompanied by self-feeding. The body does not stand alone; it is a manifestation of the soul. Unloving sex rejects the soul, puts it aside and focuses solely on the needs of the body. Such a condition cannot last for long because the soul wants enlightenment, that is, the self to reconnect with it.
  4. It is a well-based behavior within modern society, especially with youngsters, to practice unloving sex. Much fewer have the determination and courage to take the path of enlightenment. Unloving sex places the person deeply rooted in mass consciousness from which it will be very difficult to escape. It is like a person who always eats junk food and one day wants to quit to become a vegetarian. It is very difficult for the body, the mind and the soul to make that shift.
  5. Another reason involves the power of creation. Basically, time is just an illusion and everything is being created from the Now moment. This is why it is pointless to ponder about the future or suffer because of the past. During an act of unloving sex, many people fantasize and drift within their minds to other partners and other places. Such shift, which occurs in one’s thoughts and feelings, deprives one of his creative powers and eventually blocks one’s way towards enlightenment.
  6. Focusing on the pleasures of the body without the spiritual and emotional connection numb the sensitivity of the nervous system which, as described above, is the tool with which one creates one’s desired reality. Therefore, unloving sex will eventually take the control out of one’s life and make this person drift aimlessly in the river of life.

I have just named a few of the reasons why unloving sex is not appropriate for those who seek enlightenment. It is a true fact and undeniable.


Credit: tumblr

You must remember that the power of creation is in the now. Therefore, the sexual history and the deeds that one has done up until now are irrelevant. One could have had many partners with whom one was engaging in unloving sex, but when the decision is made, here and now, to take the path of enlightenment - the past is gone. It is a matter of choice and the important thing is to choose now; that from now on the body, that spectacular jewel that humans have, will be honored and respected and loved! It is like going for shopping in the most expensive store in town, you stroll between the shelves and the beautiful clothes with the intention of buying an outfit that suits you and which will reflect the light you carry within. When you find something you really like and you ask the seller for a second opinion, he/she does not scold you for your past wardrobe. They do not say "why did you wear ugly clothes in the past?", or "what took you so long to decide you deserve beautiful clothes?" They only care about this now moment and praise your decision to love yourselves.

I believe that now you see that sometimes the road to enlightenment requires great shifting in human behavior. No one will ever scold you or be angry with you if you took the other path, away from enlightenment and away from loving sex. If you do that, just remember that your enlightenment will always wait for you, very close and very near, and with it sexual experiences beyond what you have known till now.


On the go | Limited access to the Internet

nowadays they treat sex like a sports, you can access women anytime if you want to. Sex supposed to be sacred, it is a way of communication of your soul and you partner's soul, it is a way of emotional and spiritual resonance with your partner.

To me, it's not the end of the world if I end up not being with someone. I love romance. I love sex. I love women's company, but I don't feel I have to be married. Women are a wonderful part of life, like chocolate. But my life goes on whether they're there or not.

There is no judgment here and it is not a black or white issue. It is not a question of good vs. bad. God will always love you, no matter what you choose...

That’s true! I personally had experienced both unloved and loved sex, not too many since I had mostly long relationships. Unless it was unloved sex, then it was very short relationship. For me the difference between those two is that I don’t remember anything about this person having unloved sex with and I do remember everything, many details, about this loved sex person. I hope this makes sense. Loved sex means being in love, that’s the most amazing thing for any human being. Great and very detailed article about unloved sex!

makes sense

very much so!

Great article as always!

My input is not specifically to the sex topic, but the distractions you are talking about. Because these distractions can be in the physical realm, but they also take place in the Astral realm.
This night in the dream state I was attacked several times by other people. One even shot dozens of times directly at me with a gun. Since I am virtually fully awake in the dream state, I knew that I am absolutely impervious to the bullets, and it took almost hundred to make me slowly start feeling the bullets. When that was over, I returned home only to find that another person wanted to kill me.

So what I am getting at is that when we are prone to some kind of distraction, the harbinger of this distraction already lurks in the dream state, yet most don't remember this dream, and in their unawareness they would have probably had massive fear if they were being shot at by someone else in the dream state, which in turn leads to the successfull distraction of that mind in the waking state. At the same time, whenever such experiences occur on the Astral plane I know that something positive in the physical realm is about to happen IF I don't let myself taken down by these attacks which only serve to distract my mind from a potential opportunity..

Anyways, has only indirectly to do with your topic ,but my dream experience felt appropriate to these distractions! ;)

I resist the temptation to comment on your dream, as I would need much more details, but suffice to say that it's great that you are aware and have lucid dreams. Make life intersting and exciting, doesn't it?
Thanks for sharing. Made me contemplate 👍

Yes, in the meanwhile my life - dream balance has quite turned upside down, with about 75 percent of my overall attention to my Astral experiences and 25 % to my daily experiences in the physical world. This is a harsh contrast to most peoples' at least 85% attention to the physical realm and at best 15% attention to their dreams.

What this means is is not that I am not present in the waking state, it is just that having released lots of negative thought patterns entails not getting stuck in these never-ending thought spirals, hence the energy just passes trough. But I assume you have a very similar 'balance'!

Yeah, I have had such experiences very often already, so that over time I figured out that whenever overabundant 'negativity' tries to put me into fear on the Astral plane, then this is to distract my mind from glimpsing opportunities which soon appear in my physical vicinity ready to be seized, but only if I am not too much entangled in this Astral fear distraction which would keep my mind so busy if I fell for it, that I overlook the golden chance ;)

Ok, sorry for spamming your page, I let it be now! :)

It's not spam, it's illuminating issues that I didn't address in my post. Very welcome.
Since 'negativity' is associated with judgments, for many people, I for one use 'darkness', as in 'not aware', not illuminated!.
Most of us are enriched by your posts, so no need to hold back.

Haha, so it shall be🙏

Your whole story and suggestion are supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.

I have to justify my name 😉

Thanks nomad-magus am so impressed with your articles and I always look forward to the topic very many young girls lose out with the unloving sex sometimes all for money,or they want to be loved in return and at the end of the day they may be get pregnant where they live there life in regrets though personally some times I think all the things are backed up by some spirits that are more energetic and misleading and that explains why they feel guilt after sex
Its gets hard for this person to change unless they turn to God and helps out

There are entities in the near earth realms that feed off of the unbalanced sexual energy. I won't go into that now. But very good point you made 👍

I am a fan of combining sex + enlightenment in the form of tantric sex.

I'm not familiar with the techniques of tantra, just the idea, but I know what you mean and second that.


myself opinion

Some philosophers of sexuality carry out conceptual analysis and the study of sexual ethics separately. They believe that it is one thing to define a sexual phenomenon (such as rape or adultery) and quite another thing to evaluate it. Other philosophers of sexuality believe that a robust distinction between defining a sexual phenomenon and arriving at moral evaluations of it cannot be made, that analyses of sexual concepts and moral evaluations of sexual acts influence each other.

It'd be interesting to check if those philosophers of sexuality have been practicing sex as much as they speak about it.

An excess God gives to beings is sex. Something more valuable, if not placed on the portion, it will be bad. Therefore religion limits the use of sex, for the good of humanity itself. Those who overstep the end must endure the consequences, such as HIV and Aids. God besides creating honey, also create poison. Is it for that reason God's creation then we can directly consume both? certainly not. Similarly, people who enjoy sex, there are boundaries that have been in line in religion.

Said the wise, if all the women in the world want to have sex with us, then really the dog will look beautiful. That is, whose name humans will never be satisfied. Through gratitude, we will find satisfaction and pleasure.

That's my additional opinion.

BTW, HIV, from the consciousness point of view, is the direct result of the shame and guilt that so many people have felt about sex. No wonder that as the attitude towards lesbian and gay and generally towards sex has shifted in the past two decades, cures are being developed.

Incredible Master @nomad-magus. You can always see things from different sides that I did not expect before. Your mind is hard to guess. Amazed

In your article I can find the order in my thinkings about sex. I agree with the way you describe what is happening with us when we choose not to pay attention to our soul desire.

People often neglect the fact that we are spiritual beings and that the way we connect can elevate us energetically and on a conscious level.
Sex is unfortunately often relegated to the physical sphere.

... the road to enlightenment requires great shifting in human behavior.

Or would you look for an appropriate safe box inside your home where it cannot be stolen or damaged?
Your body is that gem.

your body is precious ,it is deserved by only one who love you completely and whose soul is also connected with you

Ultimately 👍

great post....deserve resteem and upvote :)

אגב , התמונה מהממת! זה אותו קארל וורנר שמצייר תמונות נוף מאובייקטים של מזון כמו "יער הסלרי" ו"ים הסלמון"?

לא בדקתי, אבל הסגנון דומה.
זה אתגר למצוא תמונות שיציגו סקס בצורה לא בוטה.

its really great analysis of Sex and Enlightenment
i like this for a sexual life,,,by the way its great story,,,thanks for posting

@nomad-magus sir

Normative philosophy of sexuality inquires about the value of sexual activity and sexual pleasure and of the various forms they take. Thus the philosophy of sexuality is concerned with the perennial questions of sexual morality and constitutes a large branch of applied ethics. Normative philosophy of sexuality investigates what contribution is made to the good or virtuous life by sexuality, and tries to determine what moral obligations we have to refrain from performing certain sexual acts and what moral permissions we have to engage in others.

photography is a very nice friend

👍 I like it too

Its again a Very good post and good job done by you keep it up, thanks for sharing with us, you are a good steemain and doing better work @ this platform. Thank You.

well in my opinion, sex is a normal activity. the reason is, with sex the couple realease the hormon to deactive strees hormon in brain, it has been exposed in many literature.

in the other case, all of living thing in the earth need the sex process for reproduction, such as plant, flower etc.

sex is bad when the couple making sex without married because if the girl pragnent it make more problem to the baby, but if having sex after married is normal.

all normal living thing need the sex (my opinion)

God does not speak with man but God offers various ways to worship him because there is no god but God

One day my post about God will surprise you, my friend.

Sex is the result of love between man and woman. If they are true lover and believe each others that mean they love each others and sex is the result of the true lovers. I appreciate your unrivaled writing and amazing graphics.


by my personal opinion

The philosophy of sexuality explores these topics both conceptually and normatively. Conceptual analysis is carried out in the philosophy of sexuality in order to clarify the fundamental notions of sexual desire and sexual activity. Conceptual analysis is also carried out in attempting to arrive at satisfactory definitions of adultery, prostitution, rape, pornography, and so forth. Conceptual analysis (for example: what are the distinctive features of a desire that make it sexual desire instead of something else? In what ways does seduction differ from nonviolent rape?) is often difficult and seemingly picky, but proves rewarding in unanticipated and surprising ways

A sophisticated story ....

The difference between sex and love is that sex relieves tension and love causes it.

I have followed a great person, you are a great bohomian @nomad-magus
In my opinion.
healthy sex will minimize the levels of cardiovascular problems in the body.
Regular and healthy sex will suppress stress and depression, making the cardiovascular system performance so much better, so that in the end the body's metabolic system will run smoothly.
i am very motivated from your great article @nomad-magus ( bohomian)
Articel you are very interesting @ nomad-magus
I like to write and I also write in my blog about ** FREEDOM!! MONETARY POLICY HAS KILLED MANY LIVES **
(invites everyone to achieve freedom in honest and fair prospects) if you do not mind visiting for a little advice on my writing. I hope many people are motivated by you, @nomad-magus and my prayers are always accompanying
Thanks for this

sex is for unmarried people is a very big sin as god, tapih today many of us clay old man today many times behavior with sex, it is what you say is very true @ nomad-mag ..

sex is for unmarried people is a very big sin
I respect your culture and religion, but disagree. Sex is not a sin.

yes that's what I mean different religions, if for my religion sex is a sin for unmarried people

And i guess unloving sex makes a sex somewhat like rape.

If there's a dynamic of exploitation, indeed.

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment