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RE: Sexualized Society: Women Who Enjoy Being Sexualized Tend to Have Lower Relationship Satisfaction

in #sex8 years ago (edited)

There was a documentary from 2012 called the Four Horsemen that briefly discussed Sir John Glubb's The Fate of Empires. He said that empires last about 250 years (roughly 10 generations) and follow a surprisingly similar pattern. Evolving from the early pioneers to the final conspicuous consumers who become a burden on the State.

I believe we're in the final, Age of Decadence, that's described starting at about 8:02 in the video.

I found it on Youtube.


This video is a great find. I'm gonna watch it with The Wife when we have a chance.

I worked in a bookstore for eight years. The images we were stocking in our newsstand were bewildering and horrifying - especially stuff in the kids' and "young adult" sections.

Yeah, there are a few things I don't agree with in the film.

One of the people who speak in the film, John Perkins has some "sketchyness" to his character. He says things about Milton Friedman's economic philosophy that go exactly opposite of what I understand Friedman to have advocated.

And I've been watching a lot of Milton Friedman videos over the last couple of days.

So watch it with a critical eye.

Thanks for the heads-up!

No problem, there are some really good points made though.