You can burn 200 calories for 30 minutes. Good Exercise.
On average, one male does not have sex in some way after 7 seconds.
Minimam 1 week of sex will reduce the risk of heart disease 50% and diabetes risk by 40%.
As long as the number of men is reduced to the number of sperms. This is because of excessive masturbation, lack of physical work etc.
Viagra is the most commonly used sex peel in the world.
The first condom was used in 1500 and it was made of linen cloth. It is called the famous boyfriend Casanova, the condom
Used to
7 . Probably the first way of using the first birth control system in 1850 BCE
Girls and this item were the combination of crocodile stools and honey
Which was used in the vagina.
8 . Even before a period of time, only 25% of women would get orangamam.
Now this rate is more than 45%.
9 . 80% of oral sex is getting female organs.
10 . Girls Vibrators are currently using sex toys for masturbation. But in the year 1900 it was used as a medical treatment for "hysteria" disease.
11 . Saramakata was initially seen as a mental disease. But in 1973 it was not a disease, a behavioral orientation
Being told to be called.
12 . About 13% of the world's homosexuals are gay and bisexual.
13 . The survey found that 90% of men and 65% of women are masturbating.
14 . As the average global average of 19.25 years, people have first sex
Does it.
15 . Approximately 25% of the people said around the world, one of them is sex
Have a partner. And 21% said they had more than 10 sex partners.
16 . Approximately 48% of people around the world are happy with their sexual life.
17 . It is said that the smell of different skin is sexually excited
can do.
18 . Sex can sometimes work as a painkiller. The endorphins that emerge during sex work this way.
19 . 1% of the world's population said no interest in sex
They do not have
20 . A healthy man is taking part in 103 times an average of sex all year round.
@uniqueideas nice one, interesting @aricheta says, keep posting 👍
#aricheta #uniqueideas
Thankzzz broo
Thanks for sharing it bro maybe i should love doing sex more now hahaha just kidding.
Ha ha haa its gud. Everyone lile it but never say this at all
Good job
😊 thankz
nice topic and good issues to discuss thank u friend
Thankz its work try it you never gone fail.
sure you r right friend continue
Informative. Nice one
Thankz alot man
Good info. :)
Que buen información 👌
Thankzz bro