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RE: Sexualized Society: Women Who Enjoy Being Sexualized Tend to Have Lower Relationship Satisfaction

in #sex8 years ago

Well written article @krnel.

Being confident about who they are frees women to focus on other areas of their personality, besides the physical sex appeal. Its true that years of brain-washing has imprinted size-zero for women and size-ten for men into their teen/growing minds. Something like, if a guy grew up watching a Malboro advertisement when he was 10, will almost always reach-out to a pack of the marlboro pack, when he decides to smoke 8 years later.
Companies invest on long-term marketing strategies to create their consumers of the future.

I hope that women start appreciating their natural beauty more.
skinny is not nice to hug! being anorexic will destroy your health,
we don't care about thigh-gap, padded fake curves or anything of the sort.

If you are attracted for the wrong reason, it will be short-lived.
May women and men be together through good/bad and ugly,
not for the make-up which will wash away in the rain! Amen!

be natural