The sexual freedom of the people must be the basis of society.
The respect, freedom and tolerance for sexual diversity , should be the basic principles of society, but gradually the situation will normalize, there is still a long way to go.
Although there are people who do not believe in labels, new names of sexual tendencies are emerging from which their meaning is unknown . That is why we have prepared a small list to clarify those little questions that may arise. #LoveWins
10 sexual orientations
1. Heterosexuality:
Heterosexuality is the romantic attraction, sexual attraction or sexual behavior between people of different sex.
2. Homosexuality:
It is a romantic attraction, sexual attraction or sexual behavior between members of the same sex or gender.
3. Pansexuality :
It is a human sexual orientation characterized by the sentimental, aesthetic, romantic or sexual attraction towards individuals regardless of their gender.
4. Bisexuality :
It is a romantic attraction, sexual attraction or sexual behavior of a person towards members of both sexes, both men and women.
5. Autosexuality :
Describes people who are sexually attracted to themselves.
6. Lithesexuality :
They are those who experience attraction to other people, but do not feel the need to be reciprocated.
7. Polysexuality :
Are those who feel sexual, romantic and / or emotional attraction towards people of more than two genders and / or sexes but not necessarily all sexes and / or genders, not necessarily at the same time, in the same way, same level and with the same intensity.
8. Asexuality :
It is the lack of sexual attraction, or the low interest in sexual activity.
9. Antrosexuality :
These are people who do not know their sexual orientation, developing loving relationships with anyone of any gender and identity.
10. Demisexuality .
It is the sexual attraction exclusively towards people with whom previously strong emotional bonds have been developed , stable, of certain duration.
This is quite educative, thanks for sharing.
Freedom is a right for everyone, love is a basically a feelings for someone no matter who are they and having gender matters @parthajit12