In mock seriousness I replied, but felt the truth even as I spoke. “But that should be obvious Cherine. None of them were in danger or miserable. No little hearts were broken, aching to be loved.” The silence as they looked at each other and sent little non-verbal messages showed they also had seen the truth in this. Diana turned to me.
“Is that how you saw me?”
“I think you and Dommi are the only ones who do not have to wonder about that. As for the rest of you, well…a bit of wondering may be good for you.”
“Cherine too!” Meli wondered.
“Cherine too, of course this does not include my daughters, nor you Meli. You I cannot explain, maybe it was the dreaminess. Maybe…it was just meant to be.”
“But Cherine too!! I can’t believe it!”
“You Cherine? What would you say?”
“It was…now that I think of it, I think that is how it was.”
“If it was that way for you also, then I feel good about it.” I smiled into Wendy’s eyes as she spoke and saw her love shining back at me.
Claudia was quite happy to sleep alone as she said she has something special to dream about now. She broke the tension for everyone by clowning around and when I retired with my sweet loves she cheerfully waved goodnight to us as she curled up on the sofa to read.
There was no first or last that night. Each one of them was a virgin in their new bodies. I was a hummingbird, flitting from flower to flower. By the end of our loving, if there was one body not tingling with the pleasure of satiation, languid in the surplus of sensations they had experienced, I did not know about it. I felt we were all ready for sleep when Wendy crawled over her tiny wives to me. When I realised what she wanted I felt a moments fear, remembering how we had found her, but as I looked in her I saw the heat of her desire and showed no hesitation, only care and tenderness.
Cherine had naughtily included Claudia in our sensuous swirl of our passions and I had felt her own needs and the orgasm as she was tossed high on the crest of the waves of passions in our room. I liked the taste of her feelings and emotions and knew I am very lucky to be a part of her life.
When it was over, all of us softly drifting off to sleep, their lovely limbs and bodies entangled and all over me, their warm weight a comfort, I overheard Dommi softly whisper to herself in her mind ‘this was the most beautiful ‘birth’ day gift he could have given us’ and happy, I fell asleep.
I decided the next morning that the first person I needed to contact was Savva. After the usual precautions being taken by us, with regard to his health, I called him at the station. I did give my name so as not to give him a shock. He immediately recognised my voice and asked me where I am. I offered to meet him anywhere he wishes. He asked me to call at his office.
Cherine was very troubled, she warned me she sensed something bad could happen, but I could not see what there was to fear, but, anyway, I had to chance it.
When I arrived at the station, he was waiting for me at the counter and advised me that I am under arrest for the suspected murder of the eight girls. I asked that I be allowed to speak to him before they charge me. The girls wanted to jump to us, but I quickly refused them. I told Cherine she must contact Tasso, for him to arrange for the graves to be emptied and bricks placed in the coffins, otherwise we could have serious problems. I tried to avoid even thinking about how he will dispose of the bodies.
Dommi got in contact with him, but nothing could be organised until nightfall. I told the girls I will then have to sit in a cell without speaking until the grisly job has been done. If the girls showed up and they opened the graves and found the bodies, we would not be able to explain it; with a straight face I explained we would then be in a grave situation - I found it a pity that I did not earn even one little smile. During these exchanges, Savva led me to his office.
“I have placed myself in a very serious position as I had information about you and instead of officially questioning you, I invited you to my home and then visited you.”
“Why not say you felt you did not have enough information and used those tactics to get close to me so as to find out the truth.”
“How could you kill those lovely girls Roberto? Just the thought of what you did, going to the funeral, it sickened me.”
“I have no excuse and since you agreed that we could talk without witnesses and no recording instruments, I will admit to you that I did kill them. Not deliberately Savva, but still, the responsibility is mine.” His face paled at my admission, he had obviously been hoping I would be able to prove my innocence. “Do you recall my telling you that if the link broke, Cherine and I would die? That is what happened and the loss of Cherine forced the other girls to go to the Kaleidoscope World to hold her soul. They let themselves die.”
“You are not telling me anything I can put in a report.”
“What proof do you have that I killed them?”
“This is not England. If we show that all the evidence points to you, it will be your responsibility to prove your innocence. Our laws presume you guilty unless you can prove you are innocent when there is such strong circumstantial evidence.”
“I hope to be able to do that tomorrow. Are you going to keep me in a cell till then?”
“The jumping? If you need to hold me I will spend the night as your guest.” I smiled, to show I am using humour to be friendly.
“If the newspapers had not made this such a heart-rending story, of seven children and babies killed by you plus the daughter of a well known family, I would take your passport and let you go until tomorrow, to give you the opportunity to prove your innocence.” He stretched out his arms. “Meeting you in my office on our own is already against the rules. I cannot do more.”
*Robert, we are all coming over now. You made us think in the same stupid way you do. We got rid of the bodies. They can’t hold you now.*
Before I could respond Cherine appeared.
“Good morning Savva, or should I call you officer Savva?” As they all flitted in he sat there stunned. The girls did not have their normal clothes yet and had arrived as late teens. He was able to recognise them, but I realised he needed them as young girls and babies. I explained it to them, they have to get Alki to quickly buy them clothes and they can return then. They were gone before he had recovered.
“Please tell them next time to walk into the station. They must ask for me so that there is evidence they were here.” Suddenly he was not the policeman, his face crumbling. “Roberto, you do not know what this cost my wife and me. We have been grieving for the girls and you; you gave us such a beautiful vision and then all of those little bodies. It hurt me so much to see them and even more to have to sit by while they did post-mortems. To have those beautiful bodies sliced open like that…” I jumped and as I landed at the beach I was throwing up.
The grief I had held bottled up for those bodies I love so deeply, bodies warm with the scents of life which I had revered and adored, butchered by uncaring hands, broke out in sobs that felt as if they were tearing my chest as I violently shivered. The girls left me alone until Dommi judged the moment as being right for them to come and hold me.
There is nothing able to remove that knot of pain, it will live within me, to return throughout my life with its accusation of ‘murderer’. That I should be the one to have killed those who are the breath of life to me will weigh heavily on me and all that is left for me to say is, if this kind of pain helped me mature - and if this is what maturing is, why the hell am I trying to force my loves to mature? I saw my weaknesses now, my willing submission to my pains and insecurities and attempts to escape, as the tantrums of a child. A steely resolve grew to never subject my loves to this kind of pain again. Such strength I felt requires that I sacrifice certain aspects of my character, prime among them the excessive sensitivity and softness which had dominated my thinking, but their lives and happiness will be the reward.
As the steel band cast itself within, altering me, the girls did not block themselves as they softly sobbed for the Robert they have lost.
For those readers who have not understood, when they speak using telepathy, what they say is enclosed within stars, and the thoughts exchanged are in italic.
e.g *Hi, I bet you are wishing you could read thoughts.*?
Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)15th June, 2018
- posted on Steemit 17th June, 2018
molis to diavasa! pws eisai simera? den ton blepw kala ton Robert, provlepw na ton kinigaei i astinomia!!!!
Poli kalitera efharisto. Anakalipsa oti kati pou iksera, einai alitheia. Eitan arga to vradi kai ponousa. Den eiha "katallilo" farmako. Thimithika afta pou eiha dei sto internet kai metahiristika μαγειρική σόδα, miso koutali me ligo nero. Meta apo 2 ores, ksanapira kai tote ksaplosa kai koimithika - gia 8 ores!
Apefasisa na min metaheiristo odontokrema, evala μαγειρική σόδα sti vourtsa mou kai...eitan oraio kai eiha kai tin efharistisi to na ksero oti den evala dilitirio sto stoma mou. Tora kai ta rouha mou sto plintirio, vazo μαγειρική σόδα....
Dokimase to. To sapouni gia to plintirio einai ftiahmeno apo dilitirio kai otan foras to rouho kai idronis, to dilitirio mpainei sto derma sou...kanto toulahiston gia ton gio sou. Ean tou stamatiseis tin odontokrema kai to sapouni gia to plintirio, tha ton dynamoseis gia na mporei pio efkola na anteksi sta alla dilitiria pou mas ehoun gemisei tin zoi mas.
alithia??? de to iksera! tha to psaksw ki egw... kalimera..
Psakse sto you tube me tois leksis: detergent kai toothpaste
Afto sou dinei arketi kali analysi
molis to eida.. alla me ti soda pws tha katharisoyn ta royxa apo ta ladia gia paradegma...?
an ta ksebgazeis dyo fores de feugei to aporipantiko?
Gia hronia tora ksevgazo 2 fores, alla akoma yparhei, aplos voitha ligaki. Isos tha vreis oti to ksydi voitha (apo apsra stafilia). Kane anamiksi miso nero and miso flitzani ksydi kai vale to ekei pou vazeis to 'softener' gia na kseplynei to pio polli apo oti emeine apo to sapouni.
I istoria tou sapouni gia ta rouha:
Sto proto pangosmio polemo, metaheiristikane gas (aerio) dilitirio. Meta apo to polemo egine pangosmia symfonia na min to ksanametaheiristoune se kanena polemo.
Oi etaireies den kserane ti na kanoune, giati tha kleinane ean den evriskan ali lysi.
Kapoios tous eipe oti presekse oti otan kanoun dokimes sto laboratory, vrikan oti katharizei ta panta....
Peiran adia apo olles tois kyverniseis na min einai ypohreomenoi na grafoun stin perigrafi apo ti hymika ta detergents (spouni gia ta rouha) einai ftiagmena.
Olloi tous tha eprepe na pan filaki...alla, ohi mono den tha pane, alla zoun mia hara apo ta ekatommiria pou vgazoun...
Isos ta rouha tou paidiou pou den ehoun ladi, mono idrota kai ligoi laspi, to soda kai ksidi einai kalli lisi - kai gia ta sentonia kai tois petsetes...
ase!! o mikros ladonei kai bromizei toso ta royxa poy poles fores ta plenoyme 2 kai 3 fvres!!!
Thanks for sharing this post.....i really love dat.