My Life Has Been a Mansion

My Life Has Been A Mansion

I sensed he was in a pensive, almost melancholic mood, so I sat by him as he stared out at the setting sun, waiting for him to speak.

“My life has been a mansion - no, more like a seedy, musty council flat. Decrepit and somewhat tatty, but that is not what has mattered.” He pulled away, slightly, as if sensing I was about to take his hand and refusing himself the right to touch me. “The rooms of my flat are all gloomy, the windows and doors boarded by fears and petty thoughts; gray cobweb-partitioned rooms of sadness; sadness for what has not been and for what should have. Now comes the time of fear, for I can hear you outside, tearing at the boards, trying to let the sunshine in.” He stared at the horizon, avoiding my eyes as he added, “I am too old for me to learn about life and joy; constant introspection, sadness and gloom have made me too fragile, the energy of your light will shatter me.”

I kept my eyes fixed on him, knowing that even if he would not meet them, he would feel them. I felt how deep was the sadness in him and I wondered at the life of some mortals; at the way they lose pieces of their inner being, until they are worn down to shadows of themselves so that they slip away without leaving anything for their souls to grieve over in memory of the life that was.

An excerpt from Little Cherine, Book 12

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)

Written: April, 2009

  • posted on Steemit 3rd August, 2018


There is no character mentioned, is it an imaginative story?

Yes, it is part of a story, but I felt this part could survive on its own, as it examines truths that are so much a part of our lives, for many - thanks to our modern uncaring society.

No doubt, that people are careless in this era.
No one care for others.

I would not take it to that extreme, after all, just look at how communities have been created here in Steemit, where they help each other and come together to collectively help others who are in need.

For those of us who live in cities, what you say is more true, which is why I consider cities an 'enemy' of Mankind, something we will grow out of as our science develops (the opposite of what they show us in movies). I hope I am right, for it is the only way we can return to a sane life.

I have to ask you. What is Little Cherine? I usually follow your politics, but I guess your a writer as well? What kind of books have you written? What topics are you interested in?

As per the tag, I am interested in Science fiction and fantasy.

I started writing Little Cherine 18 years ago. The first book, of 700 pages (Word) is actually longer than it seems as I used small font but zoomed in on the pages. In total I have written 13 books totalling over 10,000 pages, but in soft cover books, is equivalent of over 20,000 - and I am busy writing book 14 (probably the last I will write, as I am finding it more difficult to write, due to age and health).

I find most people do not enjoy reading it for 2 reasons. I keep the language I use simple, as I speak it (as Hemingway did). I've had comments that I should have written books for children. I do not mind the criticism, but I believe the book was written as it had to be written, for I had no pretentious ambitions; I had certain ideas I wanted to explore, some social, some political and some regarding ethics - and I was willing to let my characters guide me on our long journey together.

The second point of importance, is that Cherine is born as a mutant. She has the gift of empathy. I could not start her story once she is an adult, for either her empathy will have destroyed her or she will have had to grow harder - destroying the advantage of her mutation. She had to meet Robert while she is a child (Robert and her, it turns out later, have shared another two lives that they have examined and know of, so their love has endured through torture and death - and even worse for them, the deaths of their children.)

I am not interested in writing about sex and I try to avoid mentioning it, only letting the reader share in feelings of love and whatever influences them so that they grow, evolve.

As a matter of fact, I have been told that it is an anti-pedophile book, because Robert is primarily the protector of Cherine, his family and ALL children, of all sentient species. I make no comments or claims on that side of it, as I feel it is something the reader must decide for him or herself.

Thanks to Robert, the gift of Cherine grows and his gifts also grow and he becomes the protector. This leads them to meeting aliens who decide that since Robert is the protector of Cherine, he must then be their leader. He finds the idea ludicrous as he is an artist. Because he does not want to be leader, they want him even more. Since Robert cannot allow anyone to have powers over his love, he is forced to become the leader of thousands of species, who call themselves Cherinians.

Can you imagine the leader of trillions being an artist?

There are a few odd twists, the oddest one being that I become a part of their lives - they learn I am their author and after they have freaked out and then calmed down - and once they stop attacking me, we grow to love each other.

My writing is primarily heavily slanted in developing characters I find interesting, so I end up loving all of them, the good and the bad, and as many authors will tell you, they take over the story and I mostly feel as if I have being copying their diary.

If all I've written has not put you off...then I would suggest you first read Boxee. It is a story about an alternate Robert and Cherine, that I wrote for the a love of Robert, Samantha, as she was feeling a bit blue (Samantha grows to become my main love, for she is truly devoted to Cherine and makes life possible for Robert, by taking over most of his responsiblities. This sometimes gets her down...)

It is shorter than Book 1 and has been posted here. If you want the link, let me know...

I think it's cool you're an author. Watching the news everyday can get repetitive and depressing. I sometimes wonder if fiction can be better way to change the world? Just look at the movie Avatar, and how their theme of colonization has changed attitudes towards indigenous communities and respecting their land. I think fiction provides a better concept of what life can be like, if we change our ways. Feel free to send me the link.

If you would like to check me out on
my nik there is
AlexanderTheGrape and I look like a wine-coloured Tweety, wearing a super cape

I usually make from 8 to 20 posts day there...not just reposting news, but also adding my own thoughts to I end up fighting with the extreme racists and jew haters.

I am not arguing they are wrong or right, what I am demanding is they stop splitting us up into weaker camps in our fight against the corporate marxists and the islamists. Whatever they hate and want to fight can come later and some ill stand with them and some will not. BUT it can ONLY be dealt with after we have saved our own people, families and countries from the immediate threat. I've had some of them threaten to fly to me (in Israel, lol) to kill me. I'm not afraid of them and tell them, they want me, I live in South africa and I am even willing to pick them up at the airport.

So, as you might have surmised, politics can get quite funny - I just get pissed off with those who attack me with viruses, but I think those come from more official sources - as it usally happens after I've made some insulting remark about a Democrat or EU official/govt leader.

You see what Salvini said? He wants to bring down Brussels, or so he said. I love it; I know it is not likely he will, but by saying it, he encourages other patriotic politicians.

The way people can't have a debate, and can't handle politics, I sometimes worry that the cure is worse than the disease. Maybe it's good that everyone's so dumbed-down and chemically castrated. If these fascist ever got power, they would have no hesitation promoting genocide against those who disagree with them.

A passionate society can be like a double-edged sword. It can ascend to enlightenment, or devolve into a civil war.


In my opinion it's a thought.
It's just imagination.
Or something else?