I'm glad to support you, Arthur - Your new venture seems admirable - I hope it succeeds. I was thinking of volunteering time teaching ESL to new Canadians but I think in light of the coronavirus crisis I'll stay on social media for the time being although it is not as 'hands on' as being in the broader community :)
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Even here in South Africa I see a change day by day. Last Friday I saw two people wearing masks. Today I saw hundreds.
Stay safe - I hope your wife is also staying safe. If not, tell her you enjoy writing about ghost lovers, but you do not need one in your life :)
All my best
PS: At first I thought this panic crash is going to kill my project, but now I see it as providing an impetus as prices of property may drop, but not rents, making the investments potentially even more attractive.
I"m really happy for you, Arthur - yes, Corona virus is a life changer but I make sure Deb and I both stay isolated - I don't care if it takes a year - until they develop a vaccine or effective anti-virals risking exposure is just foolish.
Thanks for the well wishes, my friend :)