
Thanks, but no thanks. I am not interest in upvotes, I am only interested in readers who can judge my writing and make intelligent suggestions so that I can grow as a writer.

I've returned you the favour, so that you did not waste an upvote, and I wish you success.

Since posting the reply below, I was troubled by my answer, as I do not like being so abrupt.

I returned and went to check your blog page - and now I am confused.

Where we enter our name and interests, all you say is follow me and I will follow you.

When I look down at your posts, I do not see any originals from you, just videos from YT.

I do not expect everybody to have a gift of writing, photography or art, so if you choose your videos wisely, I would upvote you whenever I see something good (I have already upvoted two of them). But, to tell you the truth, your stated interest does put me off.

Do you know who you will mostly get upvotes from? People who either do not earn you anything, or else one or two cents (like me at this time).

Schedon olloi pou erhontai edo theloun na vgaloun lefta, alla, pio polli hairontai otan kanoun filous kai vriskoun oraia post. Ean, gia pradeigma, vreis post pou to thema tou se enthousiazei, kai afiseis comment pou deihnei ton enthousiasmo sou, tha sou kanoun upvote kai tha erthoun sto blog page sou kai tha doun to ti se endiaferei (mono ta lefta) kai tha figoun. To idio me tous "Whales" Ean kapios apo aftous erthei, ena upvote ean ton singinisis, mporei na einai #15 kai epano. Tha dei to interest sou kai tha fygei.

I trust you have understood what I am trying to tell you. I see in some of your posts some nice and respectable posters from the Greek community - ask them if I am right or wrong and then decide which way you want to go.

Apo edw de kserw an tha bgalei kaneis leuta.. alla ki egw pisteuw oti to na gnwriswis nea atoma kai na kaneis filous einai to simantikotero.. oi filoxrimatoi pote the exoyn kai de tha exoyn kapoios mpike edw gia ta leuta sigoura grigora tha ta paratisei..