For something new and unusual I'm running late with my post, it's just been one of those days. School holidays end today in Australia, with kids heading back from tomorrow - so I have been running round like a crazy person trying to get ready for that as well.
But I don't want to keep things longer than they need be, so without further delays here is my judges top 5 selection for week 21 of SGL!
First Place:
Sonic Groove Live - Semana #21 - @juliolunar - Alice In Chains - Nutshell (Cover)@juliolunar -
The dual guitars really start this piece of brilliantly, then you started singing and I couldn't help but be captivated - what an amazing rendition and I just love this awesome performance.
You absolutely blew me away with those phenomenal vocals, you have an incredible vocal range, control and power - just such stunning vocals displayed throughout this performance, it was just insane to hear you.
Best of all you make it all look so effortless, what an amazing performance - I truly hope to see and hear more soon!
Second Place:
Sonic Groove Live Week 21 - Original Song "El encuentro // The encounter" - by @edwardstobia@edwardstobia -
Wow mate what an absolutely incredible performance, I really enjoyed every moment of it - but I have to say I was absolutely blown away by the power and range you displayed in this performance, it was absolutely stunning.
I just couldn't get enough of this entry or performance, you really smashed it out of the park with this one. I love your playing adding the depth and deeper notes to counter the higher chorus beautifully.
You have such an incredibly emotive voice, it always strikes me and I can't help but be instantly transferred to a new emotional mindset - all round fantastic performance!
Third Place:
Sonic Groove Live Week 21 - A Cover Of "Clovenhoof" Tiamat@lk666 -
I just couldn't get enough of this entry this week, I absolutely adored those harmonies - just took this performance to a whole other level for me.
Your playing as always is perfection, but I love hearing you both sing together - your daughter has a really stunning tone to her voice as well, it works so well for a song like this and it's a much harder vocal range for women to remain in.
So fantastic effort and great performance, I would love to hear you both try something with a bit more vocal range - I'm just curious to see and hear what else isn't on display here, I have the feeling she could have an amazing range and some serious power hidden there.
Fourth Place:
Sonic Groove Live · Week 21 · Cover "Hello - Adele" by @Exoelias@exoelias -
Firstly I have to say Adele is a hard performer to cover and you absolutely did an amazing job here, I love this song and thoroughly loved this rendition.
You have displayed such an amazing vocal range, unbelievable control, truly an incredible performance, I listened to it so many times and just couldn't over your falsetto - you have an incredible ability here and this is another brilliant example of your amazing skills.
I just love hearing you smash out a song, with so much passion and emotion and still display your incredible vocal abilities!
Fifth Place:
Sonic Groove Live Week 21 - Brennan On The Moor ( Traditional Irish Folk Song )@jubei333 -
You have the perfect voice for songs like this, there is so much character in your tone alone I just love it - I also love your song choice, I am sucker for a song that tells a story.
I couldn't help but bop along and read the lyrics to follow the story, there's still a few things I'm confused about (lol blamming the Aussie in me) - but all round I love songs like this and this was just so catchy I couldn't help but get into it.
All round enjoyable performance that kept me hooked throughout several listen through's, I've really been enjoying your song selection of late - always looking forward to more!
So there you have it guys another kick ass week, I am late as always but school is back tomorrow in Australia so hopefully things will run a little smoother soon! Until next week keep groovin!
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