
Acromott has 47 votes and fotoflares has 96. but acromot is 2nd and fotoflares is 3rd?

You may have misread the directions. The winner is currently chosen by the COMMENT with the most votes. Which is why entrants comment their post. We dont count the upvotes on entrants individual posts. We allow a new post creation so the entrants can benefit more and curate those author rewards. People come, are happy to share their talents and win prizes. Lack of understanding of the rules is something we want to avoid, and will help you in any way by explaining them more thoroughly. BUT, it seems as though you havent fully read the rules. PLEASE do so before creating comments/posts that are not correct, because this could cause "imaginary" problems/unrest amongst the other contestants.. Thank you! :) Good LUCK this week!

Oh my god !! Whole week I was busy promoting to upvote my post. LOL. I misunderstood it. Thank you for your generous, kind and detailed feedback. I am sorry for this misinterpretation.

No problem! We area here anytime! Good luck next time you enter!