Its a sub zero freezing day and what better to do than try my skill at slicing a frozen watermelon with my katana in mid air!
Actually I am going to do something I have not done nor ever practiced and that is keep the katana in the sheath until the watermelon is in mid air and then slice it in one fluid motion!
(Wearing one of my hand made SteemGear Caps, a 100% black leather which I designed for SteemFest)
Hopefully this goes a lot better than my first attempt at singing a recorded song like I did for last weeks open mic where I botched it pretty good. However as is my commitment to authenticity and accountability I uploaded and submitted the entry anyways. I gave it my all and failed, sometimes thats how life goes. So if you want to see that then check it out!
If I were to botch this trick I could loose a body part from the razor sharp katana or get hit in the face with a frozen watermelon......Embaresment would then be the least of my problems...
Thankfully unlike signing a "song" the way it is "supposed to be sung" I can tune out all memorization, have to, supposed to, should and tap into the zone, feel the moment and BAM!
SO if you want to see how my first ever attempt at slicing a frozen watermelon mid air in one single stroke from the sheath goes......
(Wearing one of my hand made SteemGear Caps, a 100% black leather which I designed for SteemFest)
Well as you can see I succeeded!!!
I even dogged the watermelon that was thrown right at my head! My watermelon thrower should have made it easy for me by throwing it where I asked but such is life....Ya never know when a frozen watermelon is going to be thrown at your head!
(Wearing one of my hand made SteemGear Caps, a 100% black leather which I designed for SteemFest)
Please up vote this post if you found it entertaining or impressive. Also up vote it on the official contest page here so I have a chance at winning. As its whoever gets the most up votes on the contest page that wins.
Special thanks to @everlove for filming the video and @rileyechard for throwing the frozen melon at my head and not where we had planned which made it much harder and also more awesome ;-)>
If you want to see the video I recorded of finding and harvesting these melons, I did a video on that in my last Bounties Of The Land Episode Here
Its now according to a gregorian calendar a whole NEW YEAR! I recorded a year recap and NEW YEAR greeting video yesterday which you can find if you like.
Its a super cold day here in The Garden of Eden, as cold as we ever get and we are feasting it up, bundled up around the fire and sharing love and gratitude for this opportunity to be alive.
I won't go into detail as to what I cover in the video as I recorded 8 minutes for that haha. However if you want to get an idea of what its like living in sub freezing temprtues with out modern comforts the video is worth a watch.
What I will say is that I am really grateful for all you Steemians, for this revolutionary platform Steemit fueled by the all powerful STEEM!
SteemFest was one of my year highlights for sure and I want to yet AGAIN give a special thanks to @roelandp for giving many of us that gift as I am not alone in this sentiment!
I still have LOTS of SteemFest posts to come, which will be a nice NEW years treat and continue to build excitement for next years SteemFest3
I wish you all the best year ever and hope that you remember anything is possible and we can build a better world every day!
I hope you watched the video and that it was valuable for your expeirience. I am dedicated to holding space for our dreams to be realized. The time is NOW!
∞§∞We are the power∞§∞
(Wearing one of my hand made SteemGear Caps, a 100% black leather which I designed for SteemFest)
I am now doing 50/50 payout posts simply because the SBD is so insanely high at the moment, but I will be converting it all to $teem and powering up of course!
If you thought this was cool please up vote in the official contest page as its the ONLY way I can win. Whoever gets the most up votes on the contest page is the winner.
To SteemFinity and Beyond!
Another great video--epic things you think of to share @quinneaker. And that is quite some talent--not only because you have never done it before, but who else gets a frozen watermelon thrown at their head in freezing temperatures, and whips out a katana from a sheath to make watermelon popsicles? Brilliant! So fun to see what you'll come up with next!
hahahaha yes this was fun!
Steemit inspires me to do all kinds of new stuff with all my entries in contests I have done plus all the SteemGear etc.
I am always trying to contribute unique and enjoyable content. Thanks for all your help!
I'm off to vote it up on the page!
Aw dude. You have a Katana!! A gleaming, sharp katana of frozen water melon death!
I did think in the video for a second that one half of the melon was going to clonk you right on the head!
hahaha yes Eden Knight Riley threw it at my head instead of in the easy katana range of which I asked. LMAO
So I had to not only cut it but doge the pieces which was way more difficult but since I succeed and didn't cut my hand or head off it made for a better video in the end! hahahahaha
And you succeeded like a Samurai!! Damn, it was fine work!
I Am SteemSamurai!
Are You a Ninja? or samurai ? :) :)
I Am The Steem Samurai~*~
wowww I'm satisfied :)
hahaha GREAT!
Hahahaha who threw it at your head???
Epic slice and dodge!! 💗💗😄💗💗
Fruit ninja is way more fun to play in real life than on a screen xD
I love doing this with a cleaver and coconuts! 💗💗😄💗💗
Though I should've gotten at least one video xD
Would be awesome to try with a sharp sword!!
Also, can't find your link on the contest page to up-vote! o:
Yea I just fixed the link, thanks!
Riley threw it at my head not sure if by accident or by purpose, probably accident as I clearly told him where to throw it hahaha!
Makes my success more impressive though especially as it was not once practiced.
Hahahaha I had a feeling he threw it xD
Indeed! Super well done! Made for an even more bad ass video! 💗💗😄💗💗
Flying frozen melon tamashigiri!
hahahaha thats right!
Steem Samurai!
Beast mode activated.
OH YEAH!!!!!!
Hahahhahaaha right here in The GOE!
Watermelon popsicles!!! 😂
hhahahhaa yea baby!
Steemit's Got Talent Season 2 Week.... is this competition?
Yes it is as I clearly state in the article. Go vote for me in the link provided.
To call @OriginalWorks, simply reply to any post with @originalworks or !originalworks in your message!
You are really smart boy, are you supper hiro?
I am the SteemSamurai!
Your attraction is very cool and I love it
I appreciate the love!
Your attraction is very cool and I love it
Glad you like it, thanks for the compliment.
Loved the buildup - great showmanship. But maybe you made the act itself look a lot easier that it indeed was. Nice katana as well - not sure they should be legal though.
Either way, good luck in the comp. I hope you do well.
Everything should be legal besides trespassing against another.
Katanas nor guns are a problem, it is the criminals who use them. Why should such an honorable person as I be told what I can and not cut my watermelon with?
I guess we're going to have to agree to disagree on that. Half the world can and do live happily without a need to own weapons such as guns. Everyone's somewhere on that mental illness continuum which constantly changes of course. Someone goes nuts, they love their guns and are well trained in using them? No thanks. We'll leave that to Americans, thanks. (They have their vested interest in wanting to sell the things.)
I'd imagine you'd struggle to do as much damage with a katana as you would a firearm and a load of ammo. Sure, you could attack with extra stealth. But the screams of people in agony? Hmmm...
Ok agree to disagree thats fine.
I dont waste time trying to convince. Yet IMO you are very of base to a world of freedom and responsibility. Which is what I live for. So.....
Blessings on your journey~*~
This is pure gold.
How much is that worth???????!!!!!!?????
Better to ask Ron Paul