
Youtube is going down !!!

Welcome to the revolution...

I agree... this is the way of the future.

down with youtube/google

Good riddance with all of the censorship going on there.

Wow... This is great news... Think Pocket Change...

Hey guys, there's something BIG around the corner with Gold and Silver, please read this:

Holy----shit. This is gonna hit the news in America this week. Holy. Shit.

I have been listening to you for several years and appreciate your videos and insight. I joined Steemit a few days ago because of Greg Mannarino. Physical metals are the only way to go. We need to wake up America.

Thanks for stopping by enjoywithtroy. Maybe obtain some Steem too...!

You as well. I am listening to your interview with Andy Hoffman as we speak . God Bless.

Don't forget that Pocket Change is the "OTHER' hard asset... Read my stuff...

Yes in the initial stages of a breakdown having small denominations of cash available will be very important. Don't want to be queueing day after day for a pittance at the bank or atm.

Having any amount of Cash outside of the Banking System will be a good thing... Pocket Change will become very important...

Stoked to have you here!

Also, I wanted to thank you for supporting Steemit content producers. I know you interviewed @thehoneybee recently on your YouTube channel but you also hosted one of my articles a few months ago, thank you for that!

Dyncorp  Vaccinations and Me « SGTreport – The Corporate Propaganda Antidote – Silver  Gold  Truth  Liberty    Freedom(1).png

Was a proud moment for me. Cheers, much appreciated.

Thanks for that... and it's absolutely my pleasure v4 to SHARE great info. I'd make you a regular in fact, but sometimes I just stumble across great stuff, share it, and then lose track. But I can tell you this: So far Steemit is the coolest place, with the nicest people I've encountered yet. BTW, following you now.

The community is wonderful and it doesn't hurt that you have a significant following already;)

I imagine you're a busy guy but this trending article is very relevant to your situation. Talk of a Steemit / Bitchute collaboration. The ability to upload videos directly to Steemit is on the minds of many Steemians and it seems to be the next logical step. Exciting possibilities abound.

I'm not much of a follower... I still want to comment wherever Steemit leads me... Pocket Change is the other hard asset...

Ita good to finally get around all the roadblocks these bastards have been putting in pla e to atop the trutg movement. I jist opened my steemit acct TODAY, and have already posted to articles. Thats 2 MORE then what i wouod have done in the previous system. GREAT JOB SGT, GREAT JOB!!!

Awesome !!! Everyone I listen to is coming over here!!!! Especially after what You Tube is doing by having the bots cut all advertising!!! It seem when one door is closed another opens!!!!

Yes... Steemit seems to be very hot right now... It gives me a chance to spread my theory about Pocket Change...

All the dissidents seem to gather here... :)
If this goes on, all we hear on YT is the crickets sing, cricricricricri... :)

Thanks to you and Mannarino for telling us about Steemit

And don't forget to thank me for telling you about Pocket Have a nice day...

Great to see your videos here! Steemit for the win, youtube and facebook can suck eggs!

Mike is the man. Hidden Secrets of money is one of the best free educations one can get.

Same here, Evan, it was SGT and Mannarino who turned me on to the Steemster. Glad to be here among folks who seem much more in tune with my own vibe. Optimistic about the site's future as the legacy socials continue to manipulate traffic to support the neo-lib narrative.

Looking for big downturn sometime Sept or Oct 2017. Only time will tell

I'm subscribed to your channel on YT and was just waiting for you to join Steemit! According to your YT video I guess the same ppl brought us here.

I'm going to get a LOT more people over here too brother. Just wish I'd come over to Steemit SOONER, like last fall.

It's nice to see you made it over to Steemit... Looks like you're already rolling in Steemit Dollars, or whatever one calls them... Pocket Change...

Thank you for the wealth of information that you have shared throughout the years Shawn. It is great to have you on this platform. I will do everything I can to upvote every video you post. You are a great asset on this platform. Best of Luck!

Pocket Change may bring you wealth you never expected...

Welcome. Great to see you here.

Anyone who does not buy some silver at the current level is crazy. Please diversify yourself. When the manipulation in this market ends and it is coming, the price will explode. Silver is as necessary in our life, probably only to food and water. There is only a very limited amount of silver and it is being used up in electronics, in the medical field, military applications and much more. The silver used in these applications is not able to be recovered and recycled. In the years to come, it is predicted to be worth more than gold.

You can also diversify into a few rolls of Pocket Change... I like buying a couple rolls of Dollar Coins whenever I visit my Bank... I tell them, I like using them for

Viva La Revolution!

Think Pocket Change as something to have after the Crash of the Paper and Digital Dollars...

I applaud this guy for his bravery. He has not let up on the establishment! If you have not heard of the SGT report it is a must listen for those who are skeptical of the way news is presented to us the slaves of the deep state. So glad I can add value to your mission by giving you Kudos on Steemit.

This platform is so much better then YouTube...

Nice move Sean, I joined Steemit to support SGT report. Thanks for the heads up.

I'm giving you the heads up on Pocket Change... I'm thinking it will reach fair market value that's one hundred fold higher than it is not... Think about getting in on the Ground Floor with some common Pocket Change...

Glad you've made it over here, following your work from England - love the guests top quality and thought provoking, steem on!

I'm not sure how your Pocket Change works in England, but I have seen some new coins come out over there...

Sean, thanks for the heads up, I am now on Steemit. For the moment this seems like a good option. To the oligarchs: sirs; the cat is out of the bag... you may lock down one venue. We will find another. We have awakened. We are sharing information and learning, planning .... for your forthcoming day of reckoning, and obsolescence .

And when the Paper and Digital Dollars Crash, it will open everyone's eyes to Pocket Change...

Glad to see you made it here!

great video!

I wish they'd do a video on the Merits of Pocket Change...

I cant believe you are on STEEMIT now! So cool!! Welcome!

Awesome to see you on here Sean. You do great work and YouTube doesn't deserve you. I read that Steem is about to start up a video hosting service as well. You should do like Berwick and Mannarino and do a video to bring all your fans over here once that happens. We need to take all the profit away from these trash social media outlets as soon as possible.

YouTube better be careful... Soon they will be losing all their Pocket Change...

Thank you Sean, you have woken me up! I'm now Investing in bitcoin and preparing for the inevitable financial collapse.

Bitcoin is one thing and Pocket Change is another... Don't forget about Common Coinage...

Nice to see you here on Steemit @sgtreport and following you now!

Good to see SGT Report here, and a welcome interview with Mike Maloney.

Have watched many of your videos before. Keep up the good work informing people of what's going on and what's coming.

As many in this gold silver community, I am amazed it's dragged on this long.