Option "Auto Follow Back" in my dashboard is turned ON, but it does not work at all...
Maybe the reason is my low shadowrank? (it's only 5)
Or the reason in something else?
Thank you.
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Option "Auto Follow Back" in my dashboard is turned ON, but it does not work at all...
Maybe the reason is my low shadowrank? (it's only 5)
Or the reason in something else?
Thank you.
This feature automatically will make your account follow anyone who follows you back without you having to. Meaning if user @xyz follows you, with this feature on your account would follow "back" @xyz without you having to do so. This is useful for many people who want to grow their mutual following base.
I understand how the autofollowback works, but... it does not work for me ))
(from the very beginning of my registration on ShadowBot)
User follow me, but there is no "auto" reaction from my acount, so I have to followback each user manually.
At first I thought that this feature does not turn on immediately, but after my registration passed already a month and a half... I think there's some problem with my dashboard...
Open a support ticket and we will get that looked at for you, it SHOULD work that way automatically. There must be something wrong if it is not working with in a few hours max.
OK, thank you!