Daily ShadowBot Stats - 16 October, 2018

in #shadowbot6 years ago

Daily ShadowBot Stats

16 October, 2018

New Casters Today11
Total Casters2,438
New Steem Power Today165
Total Steem Power386,996
Votes Cast Today22,932
Votes Cast Total6,289,220
New Posts Today484
Queued Posts3,188
Total Posts239,626
Total Casters Over FVL23
Fractional Voting Level (FVL)1,500
Shadow Divider (SD)7

New Casters Today

UsernameSteem Power

More Information


Hmm, what changed in the ranking system?

For members with up to 25 Steem Power(SP), you can earn up to 25 Shadow Rank (SR). If you were above that we apologize but the new RC/HF20 upgrade has caused a lot of changes and we have to adapt as well.

Members over 25 SP and under 100 SP can earn up to 1/2 their total SP in addition to the base 25 SR. For example, a member with 50 SP may earn their base 25 SR + FLOOR(50 SP) = 37 SR max. A user with 100 SP can earn up to 25 + 50 SR or 75 SR total. Powering up above 100 allows the old system of SR to kick in and ensure you get even more!