Lasse you need to learn to objectively debate instead of citing youtube videos as evidence and calling people names.
I can't even take you seriously when you're calling me an illuminati slave given the fact that I don't take any government hand outs nor do I play into their tax farm ideology..
You're doing a lot of projecting and completely devaluing any form of information given to you because it doesn't fit into your model of reality.
Note how I'm not dehumanizing you or being rude? It's because even though I do not agree with how you see the world as a flat plane I'm still able to maintain a level of civility even when you're being a jerk to me.
I'm all for informed civilized debate.. But it seems that isn't what you're looking for.. You're looking to be stand off-ish and to attempt to push your own beliefs onto me and the people who view my posts.. c'mon dude.
After multiple attempts to deescalate your infatuation with spreading your "truths" in a demeaning and abrasive manner I'll throw some of your own poison back at you. Tried to be civil but you're looking to fling shit, so fuck it, gloves off.
The best words to describe you is "Delusional leech on society" given that you are a write off in your country due to your mental state/illness and are unable to provide for yourself or your family, you exist only by living off of government hand outs due to this. Back in the day they used the term "invalids" for folks that are unable to work or care from themselves, by definition you fit into this category.
Truthbomb? Sure. You have nothing better to do with your day than try to get into arguments with people that don't share the same model of reality you do and ultimately contribute little to nothing of value to your community, family or country. You're not doing anyone any favours going around screeching the earth is flat and getting nasty when people try to debate you in a civilized manner..
Illuminati slave? lol, I'm not the one living off of government money Lasse. You're worse than a slave because at the very least a slave has some function in society. You inferring I'm a slave because I tried to point out some basic logic about the earth not being flat and trying to correct you that the deep state and illuminati are 2 separate entities is fucking ridiculous.
As stated earlier you're not actually looking to debate, you're looking for conflict and to attempt to make yourself feel better by trying to rip down on me..
Learn to muzzle yourself or at the very least not try to demean people because they don't think the way you do.. I grow tired of the cyclical nature of you coming onto my posts and screeching about how the earth is flat and that how you have absolutely figured out what is going on in the world.
The most intelligent people in the world are the ones that are open to entertaining information outside of their view of reality, however you completely dismiss any information that doesn't fit into your world view making it utterly impossible to even reason or debate with you. It just turns into a pissing match, wasting everyone's time and energy. I've looked into the flat earth, it makes no fucking sense and only works if you completely shut out common sense, physics and logic.
Please stay off of my posts. I don't come onto your posts trying to debase what you are saying and I expect the same mutual respect. Partially because I have better things to do, and partially because I don't use other peoples posts as a soap box to try and lower peoples IQ.
Cheers Lasse, After the better part of an hour of trying to be civil with you, you've gotten what you were actually looking for. Bravo good chap, bravo.
Enjoy the rest of your day.