CFR Shadow Government
Effectively, the post makes the case that the CFR acts as the un-elected shadow government of the United States.
This follow up post will briefly explore the origins of the CFR and its connections to another secret society - The Rhodes Round Table.
"The CFR is the American Branch of a society which originated in England, and which believes that national boundaries should be obliterated, and a one-world rule established."
-Carroll Quigley - CFR Member (Bill Clinton's mentor at Georgetown University)
“The directors of the CFR make up a sort of Presidium for that part of the Establishment that guides our destiny as a nation. It rarely fails to get one of its members, or at least one of its allies, into the White House. In fact, it generally is able to see to it that both nominees are men acceptable to it.”
You may be familiar with this graphic created be the Swiss Propaganda Research which indicates the powerful influence the CFR, Trilateral Commission and Bilderberg organizations have over mass media.
Swiss Propaganda Research
However, media influence only represents a small fraction of CFR member activity within the US political power structure.
As we saw in the previous post, the CFR and its affiliates have the ability to place their members in crucial positions within presidential administrations including the roles of - Secretary of State, Secretary of Defense and Treasury Secretary. In doing so, the CFR ensures that their interests will be served no matter who is elected as president of the United States.
Thus, in 1993 former CFR director George H.W. Bush was followed by CFR member Bill Clinton, who in turn was followed by CFR “family member” George W. Bush. In 2008, CFR member John McCain lost against CFR candidate of choice, Barack Obama, who received the names of his entire Cabinet already one month prior to his election by CFR Senior Fellow (and Citigroup banker) Michael Froman. Froman later negotiated the TPP and TTIP free trade agreements, before returning to the CFR as a Distinguished Fellow.
The extent of the CFR's influence comes in to sharper focus when we fill in some of the key US government positions during the same time period.
Presidents / Vice / Presidential Candidates
CFR director – George H.W. Bush (US President)
CFR member – William Clinton (US President)
CFR member – George W. Bush (US President)
CFR member – Barrack Obama (US President)
CFR member - Al Gore (Vice President - Clinton)
CFR member - Richard Cheney (Vice President)
CFR member – John Kerry (US Presidential candidate)
CFR member – John McCain (US Presidential candidate)
CFR member – Joe Biden (Vice President - Obama)
CFR member – Hillary Clinton (US Presidential candidate)
Secretary of State
CFR member - James Baker (Secretary of State - Bush I)
CFR member – Madeleine Albright (Secretary of State - Clinton)
CFR member - Colin Powell (Secretary of State - Bush I)
CFR member - Condelezza Rice (Secretary of State - Bush II)
CFR member – Hillary Clinton (Secretary of State - Obama)
CFR member – John Kerry (Secretary of State - Obama)
Secretary of Defense
CFR director – Richard Cheney (Secretary of Defense - Bush I)
CFR member – Donald Rumsfeld (Secretary of Defense - Bush II)
CFR member - Robert Gates (Secretary of Defense - Obama)
CFR member - Chuck Hagel (Secretary of Defense - Obama)
National Security Advisor
CFR member - Anthony Lake (Clinton)
CFR member - Condelezza Rice (Bush II)
CFR member - Stephen Hadley (Bush II)
CFR member - James Jones (Obama)
CFR member - Tom Donilon (Obama)
CFR member - Susan Rice (Obama)
CFR member - John Bolton (Trump)
Treasure Secretary
CFR member - Robert Rubin (Secretary of Treasury - Clinton)
CFR member - Henry Paulson (Secretary of Treasury - Bush II)
CFR member - Timothy Geithner (Secretary of Treasury - Obama)
CIA Director
CFR member - Robert Gates (CIA Director - Reagan / Bush I)
CFR member - William Studeman (CIA Director - Clinton)
CFR member - John Deutch (CIA Director - Clinton)
CFR member - George Tenet (CIA Director - Clinton & Bush I)
CFR membership roster 1922-2013
CFR membership roster 2016
CFR directors archive 2008
Elected Your Favorite CFR Candidate for President
You can see how CFR members are often shuffled in and out of administrations and into various roles. In almost all instances, strategic positions are occupied by CFR members are associates.
Literally, we have CFR members running against one another for the title of US president. Bush I vs Clinton, Bush II vs Al Gore, Bush II vs Kerry, and McCain vs Obama.
We also find the vice presidents waiting in the wings are often members of the council, possibly as an insurance policy.
Probably the most striking aspect of this list is that a CFR member always holds the position of Secretary of State.
Are the US elections rigged?
This is often hotly debated but putting aside notions of gerrymandering, voter fraud, voting machine hacking, redistricting, voter suppression, voter ID laws, etc., it seems that no matter the outcome the CFR comes out on top.
The Origins of the Council on Foreign Relations
Officially, the origins of the CFR date back to the end of WWI and the Paris Peace Conference of 1919. After attending the Paris conference a delegation of US diplomats determined that it was necessary to create an institution dedicated to international affairs.
The Council on Foreign Relations, housed in the Harold Pratt House on East 68th Street in New York City, was founded in 1921. In 1922, it began publishing a journal called Foreign Affairs. According to Foreign Affairs' web page (http://www.foreignaffairs.org), the CFR was founded when "...several of the American participants in the Paris Peace Conference decided that it was time for more private American Citizens to become familiar with the increasing international responsibilities and obligations of the United States."
According to the CFR's Handbook of 1936, several leading members of the delegations to the Paris Peace Conference met at the Hotel Majestic in Paris on May 30, 1919, "to discuss setting up an international group which would advise their respective governments on international affairs."
The Handbook goes on to say, "At a meeting on June 5, 1919, the planners decided it would be best to have separate organizations cooperating with each other. Consequently, they organized the Council on Foreign Relations, with headquarters in New York, and a sister organization, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, in London, also known as the Chatham House Study Group, to advise the British Government. A subsidiary organization, the Institute of Pacific Relations, was set up to deal exclusively with Far Eastern Affairs. Other organizations were set up in Paris and Hamburg..."
The man most attributed for creating the Council on Foreign Relations is Edward Mandell House, chief advisor to president Woodrow Wilson.
Funding for the newly established council came from perhaps the most powerful and influential Americans of the period. None other than J Pierpont Morgan, the Carnegie and the Rockefeller foundations financed and lent their support to the CFR at the time of its establishment.
This is the same 'Colonel' House credited for getting Wilson elected president in the first place.
The Anglo-American Establishment
The World War I Conspiracy Part I and Part II - The American Front we learn that 'Colonel' House was the point man of another secret society conceived of by diamond magnet and the father of South African aparthied - Cecil Rhodes.
At a London meeting in 1891 that would in time be the impetus for setting in motion catastrophic world conflicts, Cecil Rhodes met with William H. Stead an influential publisher and Reginald Brett (Lord Esher - advisor to the British Royalty).
At the time, the three men were some of the richest, most influential and well-connected men in Britain.
The purpose of the meeting was the creation of a secret society modeled primarily after the Jesuit Order, that would lead to the extension of British rule throughout the world. A central component being the recovery of the United States as an integral part of the British Empire.
This secret society, often referred to as the 'Rhodes Roundtable', would be divided in to parts.
In @corbettreport's three part series
1) The Society of the Elect
- An inner circle charged with directing the activity of the outer circle.
2) The Association of Helpers
- Who are not to know of the inner circle's existence.
In the words of Rhodes himself, he envisioned:
“A secret society gradually absorbing the wealth of the world.”
In 1902, Rhodes would pass away before seeing his Anglo-American vision realized, nevertheless the ground work had already been laid out, a plan set in motion by the members of the Rhodes Roundtable and a vast fortune accumulated by Rhodes over his lifetime would ensure that the project would go ahead. A close associate of Rhodes', Alfred Milner, would assume the leadership of the roundtable and would align the pieces of the chessboard according to plan.
For a more see:
The World War I Conspiracy Part I
The World War I Conspiracy Part II - The American Front
Edward Mandell House
A crucial aspect for the progression of this treasonous secret society was to bring the United States into the war against Germany. In order to do so, the Rhode’s cabal (the Milner group) Mucneeded to install their man in the White House.
Woodrow Wilson, who eventually brought the US into the war, was chosen by the secret clique in order to achieve several goals.
- Creation of the federal reserve
- Creation of the IRS
- Bring the US into WWI
Wilson ascended to the US presidency with the guidance of Edward Mandell House and with the assistance of Wall Street who engineered a Wilson victory by injecting a third party candidate to split the vote.
Much to the delight of the Wall Street financiers, with Wilson in the White House the first two goals would be accomplished by 1913 - the Federal Reserve Act and the Income Tax Act were signed into US law. This would be followed by an unprecedented and sophisticated propaganda campaign developed to bring the United States into World War 1.
Invisible Rulers
That Edward Mandell House was a co-conspirator of the Rhodes-Milner group that brought the Americans into the war as planned was just the beginning.
When WWI finally ended in 1919 and world leaders converged on France for the Paris Peach Conference, it was Edward Mandell House who would be Wilson's chief negotiator at the conference.
It was in Paris that twin factions of the Anglo-American Establishment were created. Edward Mandell House would return to America and establish the Council on Foreign Relations in New York. The British delegation would form the Royal Institute of International Affairs aka the Chatham House Study Group in London.
That a ruling power elite does indeed control the U.S. government behind the scenes has been attested to by many americans in a position to know. Felix Frankfurter, Justice of the Supreme Court (1939-1962), said: “The real rulers in Washington are invisible and exercise power from behind the scenes.” In a letter to an associate dated November 21, 1933, President Franklin Roosevelt wrote, “The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson.”
Georgetown professor Dr. Carroll Quigley wrote about the goals of the investment bankers who control central banks: “… nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole… controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences.”
Conspiracy Fact
A plethora of conspiracies emerge in the telling of the story behind the creation of the Rhodes Round Table / Milner Group / and Council on Foreign Relations.
- Secret Meetings to forge the Anglo-American Establishment
- The election of Woodrow Wilson
- Plans that were successful in engineering the US entry into WWI
- The creation of the Federal Reserve
- The creation of the Income Tax Act
- Propaganda to manipulate the American Public
- The creation of the CFR to guide American government policy in managing war, the economy, and state spending.
- Ensuring that CFR members are placed in key positions throughout successive US administrations.
True power is invisible. Thus we can think of the CFR as one iteration of the "Association of Helpers" - the outer circle - in Rhodes' original vision of the secret society. The outer circle is directed by the secret inner circle or "The Society of the Elect".
Though the CFR operates in plain view the vast majority of the public remain unaware of its existence and the organization's profound influence over the US government across the board.
Additional Sources
Fascinating in depth examination of the purpose, founding, and continuing action of the CFR, and by extension, similar organizations. Thanks from the depths of my heart for this glimpse of the truth!
Well you state that true power is invisible, because the true power to rule ourselves is just that: within us and impossible to see without looking in our hearts. No matter the machinations of the corrupt, the wealth deployed against freedom, or the arms with which we are oppressed, this power remains always within us, and cannot be taken.
Ultimately, we will have freedom, though such day may yet rest far ahead. One truth I understand is that technology ultimately empowers individuals to be free and prosper, and since pointy sticks, fire, and dogs came to our aid, has increased the ability of free people to impart to their posterity a better world and life than they themselves inherited.
Freedom and prosperity, then, necessarily increases generally over time, and the depredations of oppressors will ultimately fail.
Let's hope we meet on that happy day, and enjoy each the good company of our happy friends.
And thank you for such a great reply!
I agree that the oppressors power comes from what humanity collectively is willing to tolerate and that once we retake our power theirs will evaporate. However, if we cannot identify oppressors and how they operate it makes our job much more difficult and it will take time to bring about the freedom we all desire. I'm in for a giant fiesta when that day comes! Thanks for reading and for your positive comments! Cheers
"No Value For Your Vote" because what i feel is, if we use our vote or not the leaders of behind the scenes will going to elect the leaders to control the Human Beings in outer world.@v4vapid, In my opinion the deeper truth is stayed in the form of hidden. And i think that, there is nothing wrong if i say,
But if we see these are the times of Spiritual Awakening and i can feel that tables will going to be turned and we will going to ascend for sure from these Low Vibrational World. Currently in my opinion masses are going through from the mind control and all the tools are well placed in every third house of the world and in my opinion there is no need to explain what those tools are.
And when i started to lessen the habit of watching TV suddenly my world changed and I've ascended into the world of truth and wherever i go started to find the communities or any aspect which is related truth seeking and i believe that everything is Predestined and universe will going to give the role to the chosen ones to reach to the real truth which can free Humanity from the lower vibrational system.
Wishing you an great day and stay blessed. 🙂
Nice one! I've heard Alan Watt (not Watts) talk about the names
of these on more than one occasion. CFR, Milner, Rhodes. He -->
seems to have a very developed point of view on the matter. -->
Here is one where Hillary was virtue-signaling her commitment.
Hey @thoughts-in-time! Nice vid, I actually linked the same one in the previous post as part of the CFR shadow gov. She definitely paid homage to the group and professed her loyalty.
Oops, I totally spaced it and forgot you had already posted that one!
Yeah, I said virtue-signaling because it was really hard to gauge if she
was just ass-kissing or what. First she said advice, then she said they
tell her what to do and how to think, seemed like mixed signals to me.
The way Watt talks about it, it seems as if though as he views it all as a
forgone conclusion. Or that their grip and control is so powerful that
there is not much that can be done about it. I do hope he's wrong!
If it sounds like a circle jerk, it probably is.
Always interesting with a ton of research V, do you not get a little frustrated or saddened reading up on this muckraking extravaganza?
It makes me feel like I need a time-machine and some heavies to go sort these people out!
Not really, I find the topic to be quite fascinating, sometimes I'll admit that it's depressing but in order to defeat an enemy it's important to understand who and what the enemy is. We spend far too much time reacting to tweets and wedge politics and not enough time deciphering where the real power structure lies and how it functions. At least that's my opinion ;)
Fair enough. This work/research reminds me about delving into Steems history, some of it non too pretty but interesting at the same time.
Just what they want us to be doing it seems. Hide the truth behind a load of bs.
Have a lovely Sunday, and keep on raking :)
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Well damn. This is some Gotham House of Owls shit.
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Hey check out Josh Reeves movies “the secret right” volumes 1 and 2. It is a mind blowing jump Off of the Cfr cliff into the cnp and more.
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