What an excellent post for the OCD Shadow Contest! Your writing is brilliant and I love each one of the photos. Thanks so much for entering this!
What an excellent post for the OCD Shadow Contest! Your writing is brilliant and I love each one of the photos. Thanks so much for entering this!
Thank you for your kind comments. This is my first attempt at writing, so it's really great to get feedback about it. I appreciate you checking out my post and that you enjoyed the photos also. 😄
I feel like I must tell you that you were in the running to win, if only you had responded to the comments on your post at the time we did the judging. Your photos are wonderful and you did a marvelous job putting this post together.
Rule number 5 was
But I'm very happy to see that you are being engaging now! I hope to see more of your great posts in the Shadow Hunters Community!
Thanks for telling me that. I was aware, however, I have ongoing personal limitations that influence both my time and ability to respond quickly. It's not something I am comfortable with speaking about publicly, so I will leave it there. I know that will mean I lose out at times; but, I accept that.
I appreciate your words, kindness and support. I particularly like Shadow Hunters Community, it's a match for me.😄