Shadow Photo Contest-Round 70- Sign Shadows.

in #shadowphoto6 years ago



Contest : #shadowphoto hosted by @melinda010100



Since @melinda010100 mention signs the shadow hunter was out looking for sign shadows and it never occurred to me how many signs we really have around us to guide us can you image a world without signs it would be pretty dull world and we would be lost because you can never trust or rely on a GPS.


No! Never trust GPS!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Sounds like you have had the experiences with GPS also :))))

Very pretty double sign shadows @bigsambucca! Perhaps a triple even! :-)

Thank you @shasta you could be right there is another hiding in the background !!

Sign Shadows everywhere! Thanks for going shadow hunting!

It's a billion dollars industry amazing how many signs are around when you take notice !!