Yep, two months in blockchain time is a very long time indeed. I've been keeping abreast of developments, reading and voting but not commenting or posting.
I might write about what happened to distract me but it's a bit tricky at the moment.
Once it is resolved satisfactorily I will do a full disclosure.
It has nothing to do with steem but is a crypto related issue which had it been on our blockchain would have been much easier to sort out. 😀
Oh... This is on the contest page! Could I get you to post a separate entry so that I see it and it doesn't get lost in a conversation thread? 😃 I need all the help I can get to stay organized!
Haha Dooh! I'll do it right now and give it a little boost so you don't miss it.
Whatever was happening must have been major to keep you away for so long I'm glad you have been keeping up here... Isn't it great how many things are happening? And I hope you have a whole bunch of new photos to share, too!
I'll write about what has happened soon @melinda010100 It's nothing medical or anything really that important to me. It just took up my prescious and valuable time.
Talking of time, here is my postas promised for the #shadowphoto challenge. Hope you like it. :-)
Time... I wish I could figure out a way to get more!
That is a great shadow photo! Be sure and post your link on the contest page to be entered! Shadow Photo Contest Round 59-Architectural Shadows