Don't you have the key Fred?
No Alice I thought you had it!

Oh no someone turned the lights on!
Why is it flooded in here?
Oh oh time warp

Happy Halloween!

Ripple and kaleidoscope effects made
with photo editor Lunapic
Clicking the photos makes them bigger
Click again zooms them in

Round 41 • Scary Shadows No 2Very Cool Contest by 💕 @melinda010100

Camera • Phone G7 Samsung
Location • Home Alaska

Photos • Words • Small Bars
by me @shasta
October 31st 2018
9:47 PM Alaska
Take Good Care Everyone
Enjoy ❤ღ And Stay Awesome

It's radiant not just appealing!
Thank you zen :-)
Perfectly scary! Great shadows! Do you get any trick or treaters?
No trick or treaters here except for the
critters! Being in the boonies now, but
years ago in town we counted them lolThank you very much ❤ @melinda010100!
It was one of them streets that people from
out of town would come to, a hot candy street!
There was a good two hundred of them come
a knocking! Yeow that was a lot of candy! 👻
I don't get any at my house either. But I used to live on one of those hot candy streets! The people two or three houses down from ours did a massive amount of Halloween decorations including having people dressed up on the lawn and moving and scaring kids as they came up the sidewalk. It was on hotspot! So I got the residual effect!
They even knocked when the lights were all off lol
When candy ran out, so did the light haha
We seen some trippy costumes over the years there.
Good times :-)
The costumes are the best part! And the tiny little kids trying to figure out what it's all about.
Charlie Brown ''I got a rock''
Now I'd like that :-)))
Hahahaha! I would give you one if you came to my door