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RE: Peekaboo ... We See You!

in #shadows3 years ago

Hacked ? I didn’t know hope there wasn’t stolen to much that was in the account. Do you go with her on holiday? Our blockchain barkers Joey and Charlie go to the dog hotel. For the weather you don’t have to go away from Holland it’s great out this week we get free time after today. So happy barking and welcome back


@shepherd-stories account got hacked on Steemit, and here on Hive they arrived too. On the account you can read a blog dedicated to that. Because we lost access to the Steemit account, and the hackers were posting with that account on steemit, our Lady-boss decided to not use the Hive account anymore. Even though we still have full control about that account. It's just inactive now. We lost not too much, but everything lost to malicious persons is too much in our opinion.

Ever since then we were not allowed to bark on the blockchain. But we desperately wanted to tell our own stories. Lady-boss once created another account @foreverhero. But never used that for anything else as a bit for Leo Curation. Now she decided to give that account to us so we could bark on the blockchain again. And I, Skipper, am promoted to the official Blockchain Barker to bark our stories out again. I am so happy with that.

We are not going on a holiday. Not this year. Our boss and Lady-boss stay home also. We are just going to have so much fun, at least that's what we're hoping for. Happy holiday for you too!