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RE: International Arms Dealer: Politicians are Expensive Prostitutes

in #shadowworld7 years ago (edited)

Great post my friend,

It's sobering how the U.S (and associated western governments) always seem to arm those whom they intend to attack. If you have zero empathy and psychopathic traits it makes perfect business sense. Certainly in terms of morality these guys hit rock bottom many years ago .. and yet they continue to dig!! Didn't the U.S supply Hussain with the chemical used in the attrocities that justified the first invasion? Indeed who can forget Donald Rumsfeld and the golden spurs debacle.

The bribary aspect reminds me of John Perkins "confession of an economic hitman" book, where they exchange short term money for the countries resources. I guess in broad terms the economic hitman greases the skids for the arms sales and so in effect they end up buying the arms with money borrowed from a system that at it's upper echelons is so connected they're one and the same .. i.e banking/arms.

Those countries that don't borrow the money and arms may keep their resources (oil/minerals); but the victory is fleeting and eventually an excuse will be found to invade them and then money is made from the war and associated rebuild! What a tangled web they weave :( Great work as always @v4vapid