I hear you! The effects of camera shaking is o.k. sometimes, when the action and feel of the scene asks for it.
In relation to the strobes, it is a different story and a very fine line between a healthy strobes and very unhealthy one. This relates to the healthy harmonics and unhealthy dissonant harmonics. There are very good resources in relation to this on the effects of frequencies on the human body as well as its psychologic effects. Sadly, the film industry doesn't seem to teach these important aspects health in their courses given to the people studying films.
All for one and one for all! Namaste :)
Shaky Cam makes sense for FOUND FOOTAGE. Like if investigators are reviewing some found footage, yet even then you don't have to do the entire movie that way to convey that. Blair Witch I blame partially for this as it did start a lot of this trend when it first came out. It's big selling point was them trying to say the footage was REAL and the story a true one, even though it was not, so many people watched all this found footage because of the hype and the spinning it as true when it was not. They spent very little money and made buckets of money back. Hollywood and some other places got jealous and seem to use it after that.
LOL, I was thinking of Blair Witch too when I read this post. I actually walked out of the movie - if you could call it that. This was hands down the worst movie I have ever seen. What a complete waste of time! It is funny to me how what is supposed to be a creative industry has almost ZERO originality.