South American shamanism

in #shaman8 years ago

South American Shamanism
South America has some very rich culture, from the Aztecs to the Mayans and the days of the Spanish Conquest left their marks of culture too. One thing that seems to be a staple of all cultures around the world is that people everywhere experience the supernatural, to be more specific communication with ghosts, spirits, and other things in the afterlife.
The Word Shaman actually means “One who knows”, which is quite fitting because they are the people to go to in South America when you have a spiritual question that needs answering or if you are having any other spiritual, mental, or physical problems. A Shaman is one who know and this usually means that he is one who knows how to cure illness either physical or spiritual. Typically through a combination of his advice, herbs and psychedelics, magic, occult practices, and communion with spirits or otherworldly entities.
There is one part of South American culture that involves this exact notion and practice of communicating with spirits and that is shamanism. South American shamans are known to going into altered states of consciousness in order to communicate and interact with the spirit world. And by going in to an altered state of consciousness we mean going in to a trance of some sort, usually done by inducing some sort of mind altering plant.
South American Shamans are not like any other people that talk to spirits though, they can do far more than any psychic medium could ever dream of doing. Unlike a psychic medium a shaman can also access the energies of the world to perform divination and healing. South American Shamans can also influence and ward off bad, evil, and malevolent spirits.
There are still many places around South America today that practice shamanism and for good reason because Shamans are seen to be intermediaries between our world and the spirit world, they are healers of the mind and the soul, and ultimately of the physical body too.
Being a Shaman in South America is not nearly as simple as taking some mind altering drugs and believing to have connections with spirits; those aren’t real shamans. Real shamans are called by dreams and signs which lead them to shamanism and these signs and dreams take a lot of training and knowledge to understand or as close as any human can. Not only are shamans called to there path but so are the people they work with called to them for guidance, support, and healing.
Also one of the main differences between normal mediums and a shaman is that a medium only communicates with spirits while she remains in our world. A shaman on the other hand will cross over into the spirit world in order to communicate with the spirits. Furthermore shamans when crossing over into the spirit world often have spirit guides to help them follow the right path and make sense of the information they see.

Shamans are also known to be fortune tellers and predictors of the future, being able to fore see certain events. Not only that but shamanism has a wide range of other beliefs including that nature is very sacred and that hunting and killing of animals should be restricted; thus shamans are often entrusted with setting up rules around hunting for their villages as the lives of animals are sacred.
South American Shamanism is a very old practice and has existed for a long time. Hopefully this rich and exotic culture will continue to survive for years to come as they can do some very wondrous things indeed!
In many parts of the world today the old practices and beliefs are being lost .... Much of the traditions and sacred learnings of the past are being lost as the old generation leaves us. Here at PsychicRx not only do we help spread these briefs and prove them time and time again to be effective still in this new era but we donate 10% of our proceeds to preserving these cultures for future generations and we work with local and international agencies to catalogue and preserve there teachings and culture to be studied and enjoyed for our children and grandchildren.
When our shamans aren't working we also provide first class teaching to the local communities our shamans live in all free and all sponsored by your contributions.
Thank you from all of us to all of you who helped make this dream a reality and who brightened so many people's futures just as we have made yours a little brighter in turn.