Shamanic journeying to find infinite Self Love and Freedom
with Anya Deva, Siberian Shaman
Shamanic journeying takes you to the very core of your being, the core from which all of your life unfolds. Depending on your core beliefs about yourself and attitudes toward yourself, you create certain patterns in life that serve you well or not.
Your personal circumstances are the manifestation of your internal world, and your core “truths” reflect how you relate to other people and things such as your physical body, money, and lifestyle. The only way to change something you don't like in your life is to go back deep into your own core, the seat of your soul, your subconscious mind and change those beliefs.
Shamanic journeying that takes you to your essence is a spiritual work that is very deep and very subtle, but the results are tremendously powerful.
The life we live is like a movie projected on the screen, where you are the actor and also the director, and also the audience. You act in life, you decide what to do, often following subconscious scripts without even realizing it, and you also watching your own life as an observer. To change anything in the movie, the slides in the projector has to be changed, the subconscious script have to be altered and purified, the old soul agreements have to be dismissed. Then you are free.
All of our sufferings come from lack of internal freedom and lack of self-love, because somehow sometime ago we, in a very deep level, often in our childhood, or even before, in other lifetimes, decided that we don't deserve it, or incapable of it or fearful. The shamanic journey takes you to the place where you can re-write the scripts and experience the freedom and love you are naturally made of. Then you are healed physically, emotionally and mentally. All disorders begin with mind and subconscious mind, then emotions are created, negative emotions are affecting the body in a destructive way. Thus, the only way to heal the physical body and dissolve the emotional suffering is to access subconscious mind and erase the beliefs that cause suffering, such as “I am not good enough to be happy, to be wealthy and live the life I want”, “I don't deserve love”, “I don't like myself, I need other people to make me happy, “I am afraid to be free”, etc.
The only way to truly heal yourself from physical, emotional and mental disorders is to practice the Self-love as innocently as a little child. The only way truly heal is to love yourself like Jesus loves you. Jesus said: “I am the Way”- and it's completely true from the shamanic perspective as well because only deeply, passionately loving yourself can heal You. Only allowing and feeling the Love of your Higher Self, your own personal Jesus towards your own soul, towards the rest of you, you can live free and happy.
This all-encompassing love feels like blazing sun, shining in every dark nook of your being, it feels like ecstatic pleasure, that is so strong, that human heart can barely take it without bursting from Love. This is how you love yourSelf, keep expanding that heart of yours till it matches the one of God that you are. Loving takes practice, and I invite you to practice it at least as often as you have food that nourishes our body. Nourish your soul and shed the garbage now, without having to die to experience your brilliant essence. Create the Heaven on Earth for yourself and this state of being will surely help to elevate your loved ones, whom you are deeply connected with. By healing yourself, you heal others, and that's the only way because people close to you are holding the mirror of your own dis-ease by showing you your own symptoms. That's why judging others have no good use, you can only watch and learn about yourself, asking the question: how did I create this relationship in my life?” There are no accidents in life, but conscious and unconscious creations of your own. To heal, shine the light on Yourself only, because you the source, you are the sorcerer, whether you want to admit this or not.
To find your freedom, when you travel to the very core of your being, the decision has to be made whether you need someone or something in your life and whether you rely on them for your happiness and well being. You will take a look at a specific person or a thing and decide whether you want to let go of it. If you are courageous enough to let go, you will find the freedom but will not necessarily lose that person or thing. Instead, you will elevate your relationship with it. You will find the love without the attachment state of being, which is very liberating. Freedom feels like you got a ton of bricks off your shoulders when you shed all things that weigh you down and now you can fly like a falcon in the sky of joy. In reality, You don't need anyone to make you happy. Our happiness comes from our own self-love.
Freedom means no attachments to anything or anyone, and it's an internal state.
Your physical reality always reflects your internal state, because “As within, so without.” To change your reality that you experience now, travel deep within.
This is what we do during the shamanic journey.
If you would like to embark on this deeply liberating experience, please contact me.
Anya Deva