#share2steem This vinyl sticker was purchased using EOS from @stray and it has given free promotion for the steem blockchain (and thus promotes all crypto) for almost 3 years. I wish every steemian had a steem sticker for their car, I imagine a post about it would pay for the sticker or at least would of you post enough about the stickers I'm sure that would pay the couple dollars for the sticker cost, and then everyone of the aprox 50,000 active steemians can put a steem bumper sticker on their car or steem vinyl on their window OR outside their house, or placed in a legal public area, we could end up getting 50 thousand free physical ads around the world if everyone of our active users did their part like I have. Cars allow for the promotion to be seen a lot more and by people who actually have money in cars, and I have bitcoin logo and qr code printed out next to this too so people know steem is a crypto...but to make sure I will.add a big orange #bitcoin and #eos logo next to the steem logo so people know its #cryptocurrency since bitcoin is more recognizable than any other crypto.
#btc #crypto #blockchain #cryptomarketing #steemmarketing #steemads #steemadvertising #steemitsandiego #steemsandiego
I repost my instagram feed to Steem with Share2Steem.io which I see as a gateway for people to bring content to steem and to bring millions of new users to steem to get paid for existing social media
What kind of car is that?
A volvo, theres other pictures of it on steemit
I have wanted one of these for a while, I almost put some on my Elantra but those bastards stole my car. Anyhow, I would love to buy one. Would you accept steam as payment or perfer Bitcoin? I live in Alberta Canada so I'm sure you can send up an envelope by regular mail or FedEx
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Ask @stray if he has any extra
if i can find mine if i have one extra left i can maybe mail you one if i find it oitehrwise ask @stray u can find him on this discord https://discord.gg/FEK2ynq https://steemspeak.com
Thank you for the promotion Ackza !
Is it possible to get one or a few from you? What do you say @stray
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