After waiting 20 mins for #bitxoin transaction confirmation times just to withdraw 40 dollars at a local bitcoin atm, I decided to take advantage of its #litecoin #ltc feature since this machine also bought and sold litecoin #ethereum #dash #tron #binancecoin and #komodo and the litecoin was much faster and cheaper, and in excited to try Tron since its DPOS and free transactions and 3 second confirmations or less like steem and EOS, and so I am excited to get my crypto atm transactions down to even lower from btc paying $1 waiting 20 mins, to litecoin paying 15 cents waiting 1 minute, to using Tron #trx and paying $0 and waiting 3 seconds. Thanks to @coinflipatm and @generalbytes @generalbytesusa for the btc atm that accepts altcoins AND thanks to @lestatscoffee on Adam's ave San Diego, Ca open 24 hours a day 7 days a week allowing for a 24/7 banking solution for the whole area #lestats #lestatsadamsave #lestatscoffee
The litecoin wallet I used was @paytomat wallet which worked PERFECTLY and has btc other altcoins and EOS more importantly, and I am invested in their EOS token because their website and use case is nicez using existing smartphones as cash registers for accepting crypto turning every tablet and smartphone into a point of sales system.
#eosio thanks to @block.one_official in advanced for the upcoming announcement which should "pump up" our morale as investors! We steemit.com users are desperate for leadership having come from steem, so having it with EOS is going to be a shock!
I repost my instagram feed to Steem with Share2Steem.io which I see as a gateway for people to bring content to steem and to bring millions of new users to steem to get paid for existing social media

Pretty awesome
Litecoin for the win! The ATM network is increasing all the time and will certainly be very important for converting to the people's money!
Rad to see. I have yet to do anything with my ltc holdings. Gonna hold.
Mass adoption is coming:)
That is really incredible. In my country, Nigeria, we're not even 2% close to this level of adoption. You're basically done with sneaky banks. Kudos to the team behind the innovation.
So is steem among the withdrawable alts?
hah no steem wouldnt be here but TRX is and now aparently steem will be on TRX