in #share2steem6 years ago

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Crypto Weather Merch: http://bit.ly/trestore

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My Dapp Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCupNLj0a-zWotI8dXXPNOBQ

Crypto Weather Merch: http://bit.ly/trestore

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I posted this to the Steem blockchain using #share2steem

Posted from YouTube via Share2Steem

Set your account to auto upvote me at 100% and I'll set mine to auto-upvote you at 1% (I have 80k+ SteemPower): http://bit.ly/autovotes


BTC is sure looking strong

Thank you so much for participating in the Partiko Delegation Plan Round 1! We really appreciate your support! As part of the delegation benefits, we just gave you a 3.00% upvote! Together, let’s change the world!

Did you make the GAS price up like 40% today? :O

Btc is strong than ever.

Posted using Partiko Android

BTC, LTC and ETH have a ton of infrastructure in the the real world and billions of $ in daily volume. Investing in any of the 3 should give you a good return over the next 5-10 years.


Wasssa wassa wassaaa

Posted using Partiko Android

fuck you for promoting bitconnect, fuck you

For the second page of CMC look at Digitex Token.

Posted using Partiko Android

Did you get bitconnected by him?

Posted using Partiko Android

Psychopath just ignore it. Look at all the spam I’ve been getting from this ignorant waste of a life. For upvoting Tre 🤣 Now I just keep upvoting him because of her. You should thank this psycho clueless mental midget @trevonjb enjoy my upvote.

I commented on one of Tres post and came across this witch.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Psychopath? The user might have a good reason for their anger. How can you know without asking? He was big in Bitconnect and promoted the hell out of it.

And why would you upvote him because of her? Thats kinda dumb. :P

Thats irrelevant have you seen the spam by this person? You could agree with someone or not I don’t give a fuck. The way this psychopath is going about it is all wrong. I could choose to upvote whoever I want or comment on whatever post I want. Without a psychopath spamming me like crazy nonstop. With immature insults and 20 different accounts. Thats a psychopath straight up.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Btw, Id take all the free spam steem I could get. :P If i were you Id keep egging her on to get more. Haha

Posted using Partiko Android

There is a reason why all 20 of this users accounts have a reputation score under 8. Thats the kind of users we want in our ecosystem?

Its ok for you to call someone a nigger? Or all this other immature insults?

Posted using Partiko iOS

No. Didnt bother to look at the posts on the account. Just read the comment.

And as for the work nigger? Its just a word. Insulting anyone usually isnt good. But I have no idea of the reason for the insult so who am i to judge? Its also not okay to promote a blatant ponzi scheme for your own benefit. Id be mad and probably say some awful things if I got scammed too. And thats why I asked about the reason.

And how am I supposed to know how many accounts this person has?

Btw, your wasting your upvote. This guy doesnt even comment back or upvote the ppl that comment on his posts unless you do something for him. Why give to someone that gives nothing back to this platform? At least I havent seen it other than him mentioning Steem in his videos.

Yeah id be upset to maybe say some shit myself. But this person is really crazy. I just commented and upvoted dude and shes been spamming me like crazy.


Thats just the beginning. Ive been getting nonstop messages like this and comments everywhere by this crazy lady. She has like 20 different accounts. Just spams the shit out of pepl. If you disagree with someones post or whatever you flag em. Thats what flags are for. This is just straight up annoying nasty spam. I actually feel bad for her she thinks she’s doing harm to my earnings but shes sent me way more steem in messages then her lil downvotes have done damage. Just an annoyance. Need tools to deal with spammers like this makes the ecosystem unpleasant.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Man your a straight racist thats why you responded to that chics posts cus she called him a nigger huh. Your posts say it all.

Posted using Partiko iOS

@garudi is a whack job cunt who has spent a few too many days off her meds. @garudi it's time to take a trip back to the hospital where you belong, they'll take good care of you there and make sure you don't harm yourself. Crazy cunt needs some meds!!!