Today I wanted to be part of the contest carried out @reonlouw, so I will answer 3 out of 5 questions he asked in his post:
• How do you think people describe you when you are not around? (Only positive comments, nothing derogatory.)
Sincerely, I think that when I'm not around they describe me as a person who loves philanthropy, that is, very supportive, I like to help others so I go through life seeing what I can do to collaborate, also as a very happy person, that despite the different circumstances that God has placed me throughout my life, I always carry a big smile, waiting for a return. In turn, the queen of sarcasm and irony hahaha I love humor and is undoubtedly part of me from a young age as well as dancing, the dancer who goes to parties not to drink or eat but to dance all night hahaha so surely, they will say this and more about me.
• If you were president of your country for a day, what would be the only thing you would change?
I'm from Venezuela, friend. So imagine ... I would change the whole system (judicial, electoral, executive, legistative ...) would make a total cleanup. Enough of corruption and lies. Starting from scratch is not easy but doing things well I know that little by little, I would start to see really positive results.
• What type of climate do you enjoy the most? Why?
The cold, temperate climate is what I undoubtedly enjoy the most. I am extremely familiar so to go to see movies with many pillows, blankets and a cup of hot chocolate with my husband and daughters is something that I do not change for anything and the cold, even rainy weather helps and fits perfectly into my family plan. I love the mountains and its cool climate, it is always a good destination.
Great entry. Thank you @romeliagarcia.
My wife also enjoys sarcasm. In fact, I often say that my children's home language is not any of the 11 official languages here in South Africa. Their home language is sarcasm, as they hear it more often than any one language.
This is great entry. I think you should get more than I see. I hope you to be winner.