While I agree with most of what you said, the world is a murky place. The problem isn't Trump as the left keeps saying and I'm glad for the things that Trump has done to screw up the corporate left agenda. However, Trump is a short term solution to a much bigger problem. Authority is destined to go because it has been the source of the terrorism all along (not just socialism). Coercion in all of its forms is fundamentally wrong. The dems and reps are like two cats with their tails tied together and to the victor goes the spoils. The solution is to let the states and individuals go their own separate ways under natural law.
When crypto springs a leak in national fiat everywhere, do you think that Trump is just going to sit idly by? No. He will be forced to come after all us crypto hodlers just as a socialist would, so don't get complacent just because "your guy" is in the cat birds seat. We have "fake news" now because of the internet's outsourcing of all of the most profitable revenue for establishment news corps which gutted their fact checking departments. Eventually crypto will cause the phenomena of "fake money" which will cause practically everyone in government to be at our throats regardless of whether they are on the left or right.
I don't generally focus on the minor political theater or make excuses for their behavior. I'm an anarchist and would prefer this whole rotten system be gone.
On these issues...
Never Complacent, ALWAYS VIGILANT! 😤
Yes, we need the over-reaching .GOV to be swept aside, but IMO the main group of founding fathers were likely much more AN-CAP than nearly anyone alive today. The F'ED .GOV is nothing like they envisioned. It is a bloated, wallowing parasite that needs reduced by at least 90+% I am also an anarcho-capitalist at heart, and I am hopeful that when the Crash comes (SHTF) we have a freedom minded individual in place that will not "clamp down" on the purging forces that will surely come. I am also a fan of the "RTR THEORY" which is right on track according to the main adherent of the theory, @bixweir who is/was/used to be a Steemian :-) roadtoroota.com