Due to the crypto ban on major ad networks, the alternative networks like http://www.popads.net and http://www.propellerads.com will start to have more traffic and volume.
Time for the crypto community to get themselves familiar with some alternatives to the big guys.
Anyone know if Bing is still allowing crypto related ads?
Actually, I never checked if Bing and Yahoo banned crypto ads. True, they're also really great ad platforms that few people use. Hm. Something to consider. I know bing has it's own coin now lol
Really!?? Did not know Bing had its own crypto coin. Will look it up. Thanks for the heads up.
Not sure if it's a token or crypto but you can earn through a dashboard. I've gotten a few prizes. Not bad for something I already use. Works on xbox.
heyyy According to a recent update to their Financial Services policy Google will ban all cryptocurrency-related advertising of all types in June 2018.
Yes, I've stated that. Other platforms are banning them also. However, an eBook is not a crypto-related ad— even if it's an eBook about Gardening compiled from contributions from Steemit.
Trust me, I've been doing this for years. He can advertise his books.