Veteran actor Shashi Kapoor has left the last breath after being admitted to the hospital for a long time. Raj Kapoor's son, Raninder Kapoor, brought the news of Shashi Kapoor's death openly. She said that Shashi Kapoor was suffering from chest infection and kidney problems for several years. His dialysis was also going on.
After receiving the news of the death of a senior actor, he appeared to pay homage to the whole Bollywood. Karina Kapoor, Karishma Kapoor, Ranbir Kapoor, Amitabh Bachchan. Kareena Kapoor's father Raninder Kapoor said that the funeral will be done on Tuesday morning by Shashi Kapoor.
It is learned that Shashi Kapoor's two children, Sanjana Kapoor and Karan Kapoor, have left the house from the American moolup to find out about their father's death. The funeral will be completed after the two arrived.
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