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RE: The Shit Post Diaries 1/19/18 (#4) ....A new breed....

in #shitpost7 years ago

I'm honestly kind of paranoid of accidentally doing something wrong on the Steen platform now. I just repost a lot of memes that I find on my I funny feed here, most of which are shitposts and that's how I found my way here. Anyway, I followed and hope to see more content like this. :)


Again most of it will come down to your pattern of behavior as to whether or not you bring the wrong type of attention to yourself. It will also come down to your voting habits etc. Posts like this though are not really winners:

You see steemit is about community and building a better platform full of original content.. When you simply take the work of another person and post it in the hopes of getting paid it's 1) a shitty thing to do 2) lazy AF 3) does not add anything to the platform 4) only dilllutes the new post category with regurgitated and aggregated Bullshit..

Your intro post is nice, it's original and its you and thats cool.. but when you start spamming memes and videos then you are going to find yourself on the wrong side of many members here.. Take care... and thank you for commenting..

I see now. I didn't even expect much to come from from those memes and posted a majority of them as shitpost. I didn't realize that most people take them seriously, as what I know for a large part of my social media career sharing memes made by others is perfectly fine and monetizing them is also not a problem because they're memes. Still, I'd delete the posts if I could because I see where you're coming from. The post that you linked wasn't meant to be taken seriously and I even changed it before you replied to make it seem less like a front page Dmania meme (which I personally find cringy). Anyway, thanks a ton for the reply, but I still think that is slightly sucks that people have to watch out even more for what they post for it to seem like spam to people like you who serve as moderators. I'll stop reposting memes then because I can see how it could be viewed as an assholish thing to do even though it's done all over the internet. Still, not attempting to glorify that, as it is theft of content.

I post memes sometimes but they are only there as an augment to an article and not the sole content of my post.. I think context is the issue.. I used a meme here:

Actually, is okay if we talk for a bit? I'm new here and don't exactly know what you mean by the "wrong side" of Steemit. Before reading your post I thought that I could use this platform like Twitter and unload my camera roll onto my feed. Thank you for your post being here at the right tike to notify me that that isn't the way to use the blogging function. I seriously can't thank you enough knowing that this could've ended up ruining my reputation.

No worries and if you want to post "your images" that is fine.. nobody is going to have a problem with that as they are "original".. I would suggest adding some text for context to avoid them being misinterpreted as spam.. That said the problem becomes when you start posting things that are not yours or spam posting a bunch of shit from other places. There are plenty of people that post their camera images and do quite well.. look at @lyubovbar I believe all her images are original and she does just fine.. :)

I even used a video here: but again it is context and an illustrative point, not the sole foundation of the article..