Napping at the back of the bus, taking up three seats, is the best. The Finnish customs dictate that you are allowed to take up the whole back row and no one will join you unless the bus starts to get more crowded. And by crowded I mean that you’d have to sit right next to someone. This is not even a covid thing, just a Finn thing and luckily most people have got the memo.
I really like travelling with a bus between cities because most of the time it’s very peaceful. Most people keep to themselves and there is always someone napping with their shoes off and their woolsocks on. I’m often that person on long haul busses.
I don’t know why but I find it cute when I see people of all ages curled up under their coats, their colourful woolsock covered feet sticking out to the aisle and peacefully asleep for hours on end.
Guess the fuckboy repellant worked then!
Like magic!
Loving Finnish customs then. When traveling where do you recommend?
North, always north!