Thank you so much! You are right. Everything quality made is going extinct. Things are now designed to break quickly and to be thrown away. And more and more skills disappear. When I was a kid, I fixed my own cars, motorcycle, etc. Now people can't even write or spell anymore because they have "autocorrect"...
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Very true. Having a bit of dyslexia I sure am thankful for spell check. Without it I'm pretty limited in my vocabulary. I think it was in the 50's that they realized that if they continued to make quality items then people would only buy them once. So sad that peoples greed have killed off excellency in craftsmanship.
Well, there are some excellent craftsmen still around. But only for the elite. If you are willing to shell out $5,000 for a pair of shoes, there are many places.
But for normal people? People don't even know how to find their way without GPS.
Can't cook or sew or write or calculate, everything is done by computers or robots.
As Max Igan says, soon we need an implant that tells us where and when to scratch our back side...