Abhorrent Censorship of the Florida Shooting PSYOP and How People are being Programmed into the New World Order!

in #shooting7 years ago

So are you familiar with the platform called YOUTUBE? It's only the second most popular site on the internet (2nd to it's parent company Google's main site). Do you enjoy watching videos that indoctrinate your children into being confused about their gender? Do you like your children having access to all the Satanic Videos that are depicting mind controlled sex slaves, ritual murders and torture?

Do you like the extreme Narcissism that the most popular channels push? The alcoholism, drug use and moral degeneracy of Shane Dawson like channels? How about all the folks who get millions of views by climbing into bathtubs full of food... or other products? Does that make your day?

Do you ever use Youtube for news? Do you enjoy the Comic Book News of Philip DeFranco? Does the latest youtube 'celebrity' gossip peak your interest? Might I suggest Killer Keemstar's incredibly informative #DramaAlert? How about Scarce or a number of the other imitators who have sprung up over the past few years?
Well.. a number of people like myself have been taking on our "manufactured" news and smashing it to smithereens for quite some time. You might not know about us because we get selectively censored and routinely lose our videos, channels and subscriber base... but we're still there... for the moment (although many have already quit).

You see we figured out, long ago, that most of your news is merely propaganda and it's whipped up in order to trigger you into externalizing your power and transfer that power to the state (the corporatocracy if you will, zionism is also extremely apt). So we have been actively counter-acting the propaganda of the Mainstream Media (and the fake Alternative Media) and exposing it for what it is. I started back in 2012 with a few buddies just sitting around drinking beers and discussing how all our rights are being annihilated and that we're all being programmed into a New World Order. Eventually I went solo and became fairly popular (50,000+ subs in 2014) dissecting the news and all the pysops used to control us (Sandy Hook, Boston Bombing, Ebola, Ottawa Shooting, ISIS beheadings and the LGBT agenda are to name just a few of which I've exposed thoroughly.
Censorship is absolutely nothing new on the internet and youtube has always had a measure of it. I've lost hundreds of videos due to "community guildelines violations" and half dozen channels to boot. This abhorrent censorship is now at it's all-time high as we see almost anything countering the corporate media narrative being censored and removed from the platform.
The latest proof is with the Florida Parkland Shooting. Are you familiar with that little tale? Did you buy the story... hook, line and sinker? Or are you one of the few souls left that possess critical thought? (a forbidden skill in this New World Order). Did you get teary-eyed listening to Jewish Crisis Actors fumbling miserably to remember their lines and not mess up the narrative? Did you feel the urge to write to your Congressman or local govt. representative to demand and #endtogunviolence? Did you get a candle and partake in their occult rituals to "honor the dead". Was your "thoughts and prayers" sent out in a meaningless tweet or facebook post to commemorate the fake victims of the latest fake shooting?
Fake Shooting you say?
A good question to ask is Who Controls the Media?

Is that offensive to you? Then you are displaying the proper mind control and could potentially have a successful career on SCREWTUBE regurgitating the manufactured propaganda of the NWO. As long as you pick a side that is... there's 2 to choose from.... you might be familiar with the choice:
Right or Left
Red or Blue
Republican or Democrat
Conservative or Liberal
CNN or Fox News
Man or Woman
Transgender or Bigender or... (actually, this is one area with unlimited choices... but that's for another post!)
Starting with the Sandy Hook Hoax (you can't use that term on SCREWTUBE btw) I have covered dozens of these... 'shootings'... I prefer to call them PYSOPS (as in psychological operations) and I've seen it all in Big and Tall. Tall tales that would send you into fits of uncontrollable laughter (if you're not completely programmed) like Robbie Parker taking the stand to talk about his daughter that was just brutally gunned down. Does that look like a man who's really grieving?

I can recall so many of these instances like the reporters caught laughing when the Navy Yards Shooting Hoax was first being announced:

Or the most ludicrous, ridonkulous crap ever like the infamous LAX shooting Dummy! (my video)

One thing that so many of these pysops (including many of the manufactured terrorist false flags in Europe) have in common is Zionism. Yes. Are you familiar with those Ashkenazi Jews who run hollywood, the media, the banks, the federal reserve and most of our governments?
Maybe this will help you:
You know the ones that are always making propaganda convincing everyone how awful white privilege is and how white people are the scourge of the world? Have you not seen the Buzzfeed articles?

Are you familiar with who runs Buttfeed (as I appropriately renamed it)? His name is Jonah Peretti and he likes to push for men to be emasculated as possible and for women to become masculanized. Here's some examples:
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You might not know this but his sister is a well-known Comedian/Actress named Chelsea Peretti (Brooklyn 99 fame) who often makes fun of how emasculated men have become... without ever mentioning that her brother is biggest pusher of it...
Think that's crazy... how about this: Chelsea Peretti is actually married to... Jordan Peele... yes that Jordan Peele who directed the insanely racist attack on White People called "GET OUT"

It's also interesting to note that last year the #Oscarssowhite manufactured zionist psyop will conclude itself this year when Peele claims his Golden Dildo for the Zionist Academy Awards this year... (can't you see the obvious?)

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Oscars so White? Not this year folks... #OscarssoBlack is a fait accompli!

^my video on this

You see... Our zionist 'friends' have been playing with Blacks for some time... You see they can say that both them and African Americans have suffered from Horrible White People Atrocities... therefore they share a common bond... nudge nudge... know what I mean... wink wink!
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Are you starting to understand things a little better? I could go on for weeks....

So that brings us to our latest fake shooting: Parkland and how youtube will destroy any channel that tries to reveal what they are up to...
Did you notice the name of the Sheriff? Yup... Scott Israel. Hmm... But surely he couldn't be... Ummmm....

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Oh well... So much for that. Don't you find it interesting that Sheriff Israel is calling for legislation that will allow Police to raid and detain indefinitely free citizens who have done nothing wrong other than arouse someone's suspicion?
“How many more innocent lives must perish before our legislators pass meaningful and common sense gun legislation?” he wrote in 2017. “How many more tragic attacks like those at Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport, Sandy Hook Elementary and the Pulse nightclub need to occur before rational thought prevails?”
Interesting that he notes all the zionist fake shootings of the past as reason for legislation... Are you familiar with who is behind most of your #GunControl campaigns? They belong to a certain tribe... with Michael Bloomberg, Rahm Emanuel and Diane Feinstein as the leaders.
Bloomberg was heavily involved in Sandy Hook. In fact... he may very well have helped stage it.
Exactly how many Gun Control operations Bloomberg is helping finance (with his billions) is hard to estimate... but they include some very well known operations like:
Mayors against Legal Guns (which incidentally hundreds of mayors quit when they learned it was really MAYORS AGAINST ALL GUNS : https://everytown.org/mayors/
Everytown for Gun Safety https://everytown.org/
and Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America https://momsdemandaction.org/
In fact Bloomberg hates armed americans so much he offers to 'match every donation' to fight gun violence https://www.cnbc.com/2017/10/04/mike-bloomberg-offers-to-match-every-donation-to-fight-gun-violence.html
Oh... and Diane Feinstein isn't only interested in banning illegal guns... she wants ALL GUNS banned!


Now before you say "yeah but guns kill so many people"... let's take a look at the reality of exactly how many gun deaths occur every year as opposed to other deaths!
So a mere 0.6% of all accidental deaths are the result of a firearm... Hmm... imagine if they went after Moving Traffic with the same gusto they apply to Gun Control... how many more lives would be saved.

You see it has nothing to do with stopping gun violence. It's all about destroying the 2nd Amendment and installing the Surveillance State. That's all folks!

So next time you see a Crisis Actor desperately attempting to cry as they fumble about in a pathetic attempt to remember their lines and stick to the narrative: These Monsters are trying to CONTROL YOU.

and Finally... what about youtube and their abhorrent censorship? Who runs that show?

You can guess which tribe...

and one last treat for you all:

Thanks for reading! Leave your thoughts below!


"To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize" - Voltaire

"To Learn who rules over you, simply find out what you can't post on Youtube" - Jeff C! ;D

You're a good writer, well said Jeff.

Excellent post - give up the great work @fakenewsreport

Thank you!

Wow this is a heck of a truth bomb post! Bombs away!

Thanks so much Chris! Now I can check out your work!

Great post, Jeff, and keep it up on Steemit. Resteemed.

Thanks so much Nathan! Much appreciated!

wow great info.i appreciate you...

Thank you!

very excellent post...
i really like it....

Thank you!

your welcome...

We also had a video taken down from yt, talking about the Florida psy op.

Great post, spot on.

Transgender or Bigender or... (actually, this is one area with unlimited choices... but that's for another post!)

Just a caveat, you better get the right pronouns when your write that one; god forbid you should mix up non-binary-pan-gender-demi-girl with bi-genderfluid-polytrans-androgyne!!

Great post, but your videos are pretty much all missing now, 13 days later. :(

I always knew the media had nefarious intent. I just never have seen it so out in the open