Shop Local - it is important & I love my job

in #shop7 years ago

I have a small business I run in downtown Kirkland, WA. It has been around since 1988, it is a family business called Earthlight Rocks & Gems. rocks2.jpg This is the second generation and it is not easy having a brick and mortar store now adays. Most people shop at the malls, or buy online. I try to support the little stores and local artist or businesses as much as possible. It means alot to me and I feel like it does help out the community. When you support a local small store, you support local families, kids, that leads to supporting other stores and things in the area. When shopping at the larger malls and chain stores you are just a number in a vast sea of consumers, money goes to corporate big wigs and to other states usually, and is not kept locally in your area that you live in. I also work hard on giving personal attention to my customers, I feel like they are an extension of my family, my friends and it means alot to me, just like it did to my dad. I work hard on making sure I have things for sale that people want, good quality and a vast selection so that my customers walk away with a smile. Even if they don't purchase something they enjoy spending time looking and talking and just hanging out seeing all that mother nature has to offer. I love my job - it doesn't feel like work at all. Granted some days are harder then others, when I have alot of paperwork to do, or deal with employee or hiring issues that is never fun. But for the most part my job is amazing, and most people would love to be in my shoes. Yes doing what you love is an amazing thing that not everyone gets to do. It means so much more then making alot of money, happiness makes you feel so much richer then money can do. So support small businesses, and local businesses it helps everyone and you walk away feeling better.


I am not sure how I found this post but I am following you now I love rocks.. I did a post today (first time I have posted in 9 days, sad to say) anyway, my post tells how a crystal protected us. I love your photo look forward to more posts from you.

You might have seen cuz I shared the post (shes my mom).

I agree with you @earthlightrocks and I do try to shop local small business as preference.

great read,