Cool weather over the city,
How are you doing?
I have started the week with much energy. I was with a friend during Sunday afternoon.
My presence outside did help me release the stored energy accumulate after 36 hours of staying inside on my computer or smartphone.
How was your Sunday after six days of work?
I don't hesitate to share my experience on Splinterlands at my friend's place. In the game, my profile serves as demonstration to the mechanism and showed the shopping activities daily.
My daily routine on Splinterlands involves the purchase of assets base on the amount of GLINT stored in my wallet.
Staking the SPS generated after the game play and the assets fix locking on the platform.
I also checked for the brawl game possibly schedule on the 3 days plan.
If the brawl battle is not within the valid period of competition, I move right to the battle ranking.
He was amazed after the review of my 1 million Power asset store on my first Splinterlands account.
It is the game shop area that I wanted to present the most to him. He was worried about the slow gain of experience if the only way to obtain cards rewards was after ranking up into a higher League.
My rank in Diamond was very high at this stage of the season, so I have not the possibility to win enough battle to unlock the rewards.
There was a possibility to show my friends how collection of power can be accelerated after earning some Glint Tokens.
I went to the shop center and explained the Batch One and Two importance on the price of the Loot chest or Draws purchase in the shop.
I had the potential to rank up later in the evening after I reached home.
In the shop center I put all my Glint in the Loot Chest in batch One. What happens after multiple purchases that emptied the stock of Chest in the batch move to a higher number. It means that the unit of item in this specific category will cost more Glint as the number of batch grows.
I do my best to stay below the batch number two level in the shop center. The earning of Glint is conditioned with the rank and the continuous win rate on the battlefield.
The earning in Diamond is cool but not high enough to buy others rewards assets than Draws and Loot Chest.
My friends got impress and ask me to assist him to set up an account for his youngest boy. I am planning to guide him through the security of Password or keys and the importance to stake hive power.
It will be fun to play against the youngsters in the request battle mode. They first will learn to play the game.
Lets keep positive
If there is any news, I will share the progression on this gaming onboard and Splinterlands account development on the next edition of this article.
Thank you for your attention
I have screenshotted all the data from Splintercards website after loading the information from my account. The media material is not mine.
You can find more article on my profile Main Page
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