Yeah man I mean Why should I even make comments from my main account that Ive accumulated all this Steempower and reputation from, when I risk having my rewards taken away for speaking my mind?
What kind of platform is this where you are constantly in fear of speaking the truth on my MAIn account so I have to go and make an ANONYMOUS account with no steempower?
Shouldnt i feel POWERFUL with my main account with all the steem saved init? WHy should I have to cower behind a sock puppet account that cant get flagged? Think about that
Yeah I mean to be fair I was LUCKY and got a response from haejin, but thats only because I am addicted to steem and I actrually KNOW who that person real;ly is and i knew of a round about way to go and leave a message on that persons most recent post, and luckily they gave me a chance to "remove my comment" and then they removed the flags, but honestly man, I earned the right to talk shit to ANY steem project, because I have been working here for 3 years constantly and theres few people more dedicated to steem than myself, and i hadnt seen anyone from the dcommerce team actually show any evidence they deserved that million SP delegation, BUT thats between them and their delegators, but shouldnt i get to ask tough questions?
Apparently no, and even though it makes steem look bad, the whale in question would rather flag a few posts of mine, instead of just messaging me on the discord where he could find me and easily get me to remove the commnent.....
flagging my posts at this time in low steem price is like kicking us when were down...
If i were him i would have the entrie blockchain in love with me by now.... when you have that much SP you can simply give outa few 1% up votes and create an army of loyal fans... and any whale with a beef i would go squash it
Id like to defend steem here but with EOS making its big announcement for Universal basic income on their MEOS or steemit 2, it gets harder for me not to power down and sell
Dear @ackza
I'm sorry to hear that you were forced to remove your own opinion. Unfortunatelly people who claim that Steemit is free from censorship are very wrong.
Personally I think it's best to stay away as far as possible from projects like this one and dstors. Otherwise one can easily get hurt.
to some degree you're right. You would have huge fanbase. But not many loyal and supportive people would be attracted this way.
Steem just needs Hivemind communities with moderation and ability for people to create their OWN substeemits where they can have control, but on the blockchain of course the posts would all still be there if someone wanted to but for all intensive opurp[ospes, no one is looking at that theyll look at the front end.... so when we have cutsomzied subreddit style community hivem,idn front endds with moderators etc and baility to remove posts and comments, and where flags on a post wont matter, unless its a community flag, then it will be petty cool, i read about that actually how there is some flagging system where you flag a post to be REVIEWED by mods later....
Dear @ackza
Thank you for your kind reply. Would you mind sharing with me what do you mind by "Hivemind communities"? I would like to know your understanding of this term. I'm not native english speaker and I never really used it before.
Seriously? OMG...
Would you perhaps consider using "enter" from time to time? To separate blocks of texts? It would make it much easier to read.
Hivemind is like an upgrade to the steem blockchain, it will make it more streamlined, maybe giving us the ability to have communities like subreddits but on steem. But its much more complicated now, and theres Mira, and theres new hardfork needing to include @blocktrades new worker proposal system, and then after that we should have the hardfork to separate wallet and social functions, new social web app, and then hopefully we can have communities one day but some people believe that feature has been postponed, but anyways finally we should have SMT lite standards and SMT-100 SMT-200.... I think SMTs are given priority after MIRA snd the worker proposal are done and then after SMTs lite and full SMT roll out are all done maybe we can have communities last.
Dear @tytran
I only had a chance to read your comment a moment ago. Somehow I've missed it before.
Thank you for your awesome comment.
The thing is i don't like all those wars going on here on steemit. People use politics and personal opinions as a reason to fight other people. I thought blockchain was all about decentralization and freedom. It's far from that.
Yes but we NEED to see battles on steemit to draw in large political donors to buy Steempower, and then make the apropriate flags , only to have their opponents buy even more steempower to reverse those actions, back and forth as each side buy more and more SP and eventually use it for more serious projects....
Also if we visualize those political battles on steem, draw attention to them, we can have a sort of political drugwars and show who has the top politically active accounts, show which political argument threads have the most steempower behind them, and this website could show Estimates of HOW much Money youd need in Steempower to be able to battle the berniesanders and the haejins of the platform, who we actually should be grateful to everyday they choose not to power down and sell...
, Because there are MANY wealthy political interested people who will feel they can make a DIRECT impact by investing in steempower and using their upvotes to influence the politics of steem... and then someone on the opposing side will have to buy even MORE steempower to counter act Them, and visa versa again and again until steem is $100s, and then those whales will wake up the next day after the political argument and realize they have all this steempower, and maybe theyll end up delegating all that steempower to projects like dcommerce and thus the drama can help steem in more ways than one
i have to say, that's an interesting way of thought. But i don't think i agree with everything.
What we need on steemit are the upvote bots because advertisers buy steem so they can spend it to get on the trending page. Everyone has been hating on the treding page but it creates demand for steem. But to much wars are not good because there is competition from twitter, google, facebook. Advertisers can always go elsewhere, this place is not that important.
Right now i'm using dclick. People put my ads under their posts. I kinda like it but there is much click fraud going on. I can always run some facebook ads or google ads. They are more expensive but at least i get where i'm paying for.
Dear @niel96
Unfortunatelly :( Steemit is extension of our behaviours in real life. Add the fact that we're anonymous and some users have power over other users, and it's already looking ugly. Like little warlords are everywhere here.
Well. Decentralization = more local warlords. And noone who could "control them". That's how I've seen it for very long time already.