There are many sale on different products check all product so read full artical
Big price drop on iphone X it is launch on 89000
Now its available with big price drope
If you not india go to link and click then change country.
1-iphone X->
2-> Samsung galaxy s8 and s8 plus
This is big big price drop more than 10000 or 200$
Chek it now
If you not india go to link and click then change country
3-> mi note 4 best of budget segment phone
If you not indian go to link and chane country
4-> Mi Band HRX edition (best in Band)
5-> Clothing discount (T-shirt,Shirts,Pants,etc)
6->DSLR And camera (Big Discount)
And alos more you go any one link and buy anything best of luck for good deal
Important note-> if you not indian you go link change your country but amazon not available in your country you import this thing from other country .
And please kindly upvote me 😊