Deserted New York
A Short Story
by mainiac1820
Jenna Plumb had always loved deserted New York with its rapid, roasted rivers. It was a place where she felt calm.
She was a snotty, courageous, brandy drinker with ample lips and slimy fingers. Her friends saw her as a rapid, roasted rover. Once, she had even helped a flaky baby bird recover from a flying accident. That's the sort of woman he was.
Jenna walked over to the window and reflected on her noisy surroundings. The drizzle rained like chatting toads.
Then she saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the figure of Dolly Jones. Dolly was a hilarious muppet with moist lips and tall fingers.
Jenna gulped. She was not prepared for Dolly.
As Jenna stepped outside and Dolly came closer, she could see the shivering smile on her face.
"I am here because I want some more Twitter followers," Dolly bellowed, in a splendid tone. She slammed her fist against Jenna's chest, with the force of 8575 aardvarks. "I frigging love you, Jenna Plumb."
Jenna looked back, even more fuzzy and still fingering the solid rock. "Dolly, d'oh," she replied.
They looked at each other with sneezy feelings, like two damaged, dry dogs bouncing at a very arrogant bar mitzvah, which had trance music playing in the background and two generous uncles hopping to the beat.
Suddenly, Dolly lunged forward and tried to punch Jenna in the face. Quickly, Jenna grabbed the solid rock and brought it down on Dolly's skull.
Dolly's moist lips trembled and her tall fingers wobbled. She looked sparkly, her body raw like a massive, mute map.
Then she let out an agonising groan and collapsed onto the ground. Moments later Dolly Jones was dead.
Jenna Plumb went back inside and made herself a nice glass of brandy.
cool short story