[Shorts] Investor relations

in #shorts4 years ago


In order to keep our (soon to be) shareholders and all interested people up to date, I prepared a small overview about the major important things for SIG. While the current update will be visible on our discord, aswell as our pipeline, it might be nice to see it openly aswell.

Of course the next weeks, months and years will have to proof that this picture is not just a nice overview about today´s situation, but rather the starting point of something very big.

Let´s get through it together!

Since SIG is focused around the control of shareholders, the outstanding shares have a huge impact on the value of each share. If you own 1,000 and there are 1,500 shares you have more to say than when you own 1,000 share and there are 100,000. Better keep a look on that one and speak to other shareholders what you want SIG to look like in the future.

Next we have the fair value and the last revenue/ dividend, these will probably be very intresting in the comming months. My declared goal for SIG is that the value of each share surpases 1.50 $. This would be a great sign for the project because it means that we are generating a good profit.
Since all new shares are only issued at or above the fair value, the only way for the fair value to decrease is by making bad investment decisions - which might happen, but the swarm character of all shareholders speaking about decisions together should help with that risk.

Very important:
Shareholders with more than 25% should alwayse be on your list. They might be a great ally to press your proposal through, or block it.

Asset control is another important KPI, it basically says who is in control of your money. Good for you: All managers are avaiable for a videocall where you can ask them everything you want and get proof for the assets - anytime.

In order to inforce shareholders oversight over the assets I plan to add another layer of protection, a thirdp arty inspector. This is someone that has absolutly no stake in SIG but controls the assets of SIG on a regular basis. The might get access to the accounts or just go over all assets with the managers, that is yet to be decided - but it sure will help to make the funds safer.

That´s it for today, a rather short post about one aspect of SIG.